- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Sheng-Wei Lin , Huai-Wei Lo , Chia-Ying Hsiao and Po-Jung Lai,(2023,Dec.),Risk Assessment in Sustainable Production: Utilizing a Hybrid Evaluation Model to Identify theWaste Factors in Steel Plate Manufacturing,Sustainability 2023, 15, 16583. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152416583.(Scopus,Q1)
- Priyanka C. Bhatt , Kuei-Kuei Lai , Vinayak A. Drave , Tzu-Chuen Lu , Vimal Kumar,(2023,Nov.), Patent analysis based technology innovation assessment with the lens of disruptive innovation theory: A case of blockchain technological trajectories. Technological Forecasting & Social Change (SSCI).
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Yu-Hsin Chang, Vimal Kumar ,Tsai-Yung Wei, Ali Al Owad, Sumanjeet Singh,(2023,May) Exploring the Technological Position and Role of Vehicle Navigation Companies by Using Patent Citation Network, Asia Pacific Management Review (APMR). Asia Pacific Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx, (TSSCI/Scopus Q1)
- Kuei Kuei Lai,Yu-Long Chen,Vimal Kumar, Tugrul Daim,Fang-Chen Kao,Rui Rong Liu,(2023,January)Mapping Technological Trajectories and Exploring Knowledge Sources: A Case Study of E-Payment Technologies, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Volume 186, Part B, January 2023, 122173(SSCI/Scopus Management Top 7%
- Kuen-Suan Chen, Feng-Chia. Li, Kuei-Kuei Lai,Jung-Mao Lin(2022,November), Green outsourcer selection model based on confidence interval of PCI, Sustainability (SSCI/Scopus Q1))
- Bowen Zhao , Ximeng Liu , An Song , Wei-Neng Chen , Kuei-Kuei Lai , Jun ZHANG , Robert H. Deng,(2022,November, PRIMPSO: A Privacy-Preserving Multi-agent Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(SSCI/SCIE/Scopus)
- Nagendra Kumar Sharma, Vimal Kumar, Kuei-Kuei Lai and Wen-Kuo Chen, (2022,October), Perceived Impediments and Anticipated Solutions to HR (Human Resource) Towards Implementing Industry 4.0 in SMEs: Impediments and Anticipated Solutions to HR, International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, (Scopus/SCIE, Q2).
- Chih-Hsien Hsia, Zi-Han Yang 1, Hong-Jyun Wang and Kuei-Kuei Lai,(2022,September) A New Enhancement Edge Detection of Finger-Vein Identification for Carputer System, Applied Sciences(Scopus/SCIE, Q2)
- Yong-Feng Ge, Zhi-Hui Zhan, Jinli Cao, Hua Wang, Yanchun Zhang, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Jun Zhang,(2022,September), DSGA: A Distributed Segment-Based Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Objective Outsourced Database Partitioning, Information Sciences. (Scopus/SCIE ,Q1) 本人為通訊作者
- Jian-Yu Li, Xin-Yi Deng, Zhi-Hui Zhan, Liang Yu, Kay Chen Tan, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Jun Zhang,(2022,June), A Multipopulation Multiobjective Ant Colony System Considering Travel and Prevention Costs for Vehicle Routing in COVID-19-Like Epidemics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems( Scopus/SCIE, Q1).
- Li-Jiao Wu, Lin Shi, Zhi-Hui Zhan, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Jun Zhang,(2022,May), A Buffer-Based Ant Colony System Approach for Dynamic Cold Chain Logistics Scheduling, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence(Scopus/SCIE ,Q1).
- Bian, X., Lan, R., Wang, X., Chen, C., Liu, Z., Luo, X., Lai, K.-K.(2021,Aug) Discriminative Codebook Hashing for Supervised Video Retrieval, Feature Selection Based on a Large-Scale Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/5845094,(Scopus,Mathematics- Top 4%).本人為通訊作者
- Li, Y., Sun, Z., Liu, X., Chen, W.-T., Horng, D.-J., Lai, K.-K.,(2021,Aug), Feature Selection Based on a Large-Scale Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, Feature Selection Based on a Large-Scale Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9961727(Scopus,Mathematics-Top 4%),本人為通訊作者
- Chiao-Tzu Huang and Kuei-Kuei Lai*,(2021,11) Process Quality Evaluation Model with Taguchi Cost Loss Index,Applied Sciences,(Scopus,Q2). 本人為通訊作者
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Yu-Hsin Chang, Vimal Kumar, Tsai-Yung Wei, Fang-Pei Su, Ankesh Mittal(2021,10), The Position and Role on Patent Citation Network of the Parking Lot Guidance System, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management,DOI 10.1080/09537325.2021.1994941.,( Scopus/SSCI Q1). 本人為通訊作者
- Wei Lo , Chun-Ming Yang , Kuei-Kuei Lai *, Shao-Yu Li and Chi-Han Chen(2021,May), Developing a Novel Fuzzy Evaluation Model by One-Sided Specification Capability Indices, Mathematics 2021, 9, 1076. ,ttps://doi.org/10.3390/math9101076, Mathematics, ( Scopus Q1)本人為通訊作者
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Priyanka C. Bhatt, Vimal Kumar,∗, Hsueh-Chen Chen, Yu-Hsin Chang, Fang-Pei Su(2021,May), Identifying the impact of patent family on the patent trajectory: A case of Thin Film Solar Cells Technological Trajectories, Journal of Informetrics, Vol.15,No 2.(SSCI/Scopus Management Top 4%)本人為第一作者
- Chang, P.-C., Huang, D.-H., Fiondella, L., Lin, Y.-K., Lai, K.-K.(2021,5), Method for integrating classical and network reliability: A time varying network reliability evaluation, Quality and Reliability Engineering International(SSCI).
- Nagendra Kumar Sharma,Kannan Govindan,Kuei Kuei Lai,Wen Kuo Chen,Vimal Kumar (2020,Dec), The transition from Linear Economy to Circular Economy for Sustainability among SMEs: A study on Prospects, Impediments and Prerequisites, Business Strategy and The Environment, https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2717, (SSCI/Scopus Q1 )
- Chun-Min Yu, Win-Jet Luo , Ting-Hsin Hsu and Kuei-Kuei Lai,(2020,December), Two-Tailed Fuzzy Hypothesis Testing for Unilateral Specification Process Quality Index, Mathematics, https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/8/12/2129/pdf ( Scopus Q1)本人為通訊作者
- He, Y., Lei, L., Yang, G., Chen, C.-C., Ki Chan, C.C., Lai, K.-K.,(2020,10), Computed tomography image recognition with convolutional neural network using wearable sensors,Vol.32,10.(Scopus 2)。
- Tugrul Daim, Kuei Kuei Lai; Haydar Yalcin; Fayez Alsoubaie; Vimal Kumar,(2020,September), Forecasting Technological Positioning through Technology Knowledge Redundancy: Patent Citation Analysis of IoT, Cybersecurity, and Blockchain, Technological Forecasting & Social Change,Vol.161(SSCI/Scopus Management Top 7%)
- Vimal Kumar and Pratima Verma, Ajay Jha, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Manh-Hoang Do, (2020,December), Dynamics of a medium value consumer apparel supply chain key parameters, International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. DOI 10.1108/IJPPM-10-2019-0501.(Scopus Q1)
- Sharma, N.K., Chen, W.K., & Lai, K.K. & Kumar, V. (2020, December), “Sustainability Performance Measurement Methods, Indicators and Challenges: A Review”, in the book titled “Sustainability in Industry 4.0: Challenges and Remedies” CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.(Book Chapter)(Scopus).
- Ruihai Li, Hui-Ling Yang, Yan Shi, Jinn-Tsair Teng and Kuei-Kuei Lai(2020,July), EOQ-based pricing and customer credit decisions under general supplier payments, European Journal of Operational Research(SSCI/Scopus)(已出刊).
- Vimal Kumar,Kuei-Kuei Lai, Priyanka C. Bhatt, Yu-Hsin Chang, Fang-Pei Su(2020,July),A Structural Analysis Approach to Identify Technology Innovation and Evolution path: A Case of M-Payment Technology Ecosystem, Journal of Knowledge Management. (SSCI/Scopus)(已出刊) 本人為通訊作者
- 陳裕隆,陳素芬,陳雪珍,賴奎魁(2020,6),整合專利家族與主徑路分析探討技術軌跡—以薄膜太陽能電池為例,商管科技季刊 第二十一卷第二期,177-200(EBSCO),本人為通訊作者
- Yameng Chen, Chen Wang , Jeffrey Boon Hui Yap, Heng Li, Hong Song Hu, Chih-Cheng Chen ,and Kuei-Kuei Lai, (2020,June),Fire Evacuation Process Using Both Elevators and Staircases for Aging People: Simulation Case Study on Personnel Distribution in High-Rise Nursing Home,Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society,Volume 2020, Article ID 5365126, 14 pages(Scopus)。
- Pratima Verma, R.R.K. Sharma,Vimal Kumar,Sung-Chi Hsu, Kuei-Lai ,(2020,May),Benchmarking: an International Journal Identifying Organizational Variables to the Implementation of Horizontal Strategy in Conglomerates, Benchmarking: an International Journal(Scopus)(已接受)
- Kuei-Kuei Lai , Hsueh-Chen Chen, Vimal Kumar,Yu-Hsin Chang, Priyanka C. Bhatt, (2020,May), A Structured MPA Approach to Explore Technological Core Competence, Knowledge Flow, and Technology Development through Social Network Patentometrics, Journal of Knowledge Management(SSCI/Scopus), 本人為第一作者
- Chun-Min Yu,Kuei-Kuei Lai, Kuen-Suan Chen and Tsang-Chuan Chang(2020,June), Process-quality evaluation for wire bonding with multiple gold wires,IEEE Acess,Vol.8(SCIE/Scopus). (已出刊)
- Chun-Min Yu,Kuen-Suan Chen,Kuei-Kuei Lai,Chang-Hsien Hsu(2020,May),Supplier Selection Method Base on Smaller-The Better Quality,Applied Sciences, 2020, 10, 3635; doi:10.3390/app10113635(SCIE/Scopus)., 本人為通訊作者
- Yu-Hsin Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Ming-Chung Yang and Ya-Ting Hsu, (2020,April), The Influence of Patents on Purchase Intention through the Technology Acceptance Model,International Journal Innovation Technology Management(EI/Scopus)(已出刊)
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Fang-Pei Su, Calvin S. Weng, Mei-Lan Lin and Chiau-Ling Chen(2020,May), Chapter 5: Analyzing Co-Opetition Strategy Through Patents in the Stent Market, World Scientific Series in R&D Management,Managing Medical Technological Innovations, pp. 133-155, 本人為第一作者
- Pratima Verma, Vimal Kumar, Priyanka C. Bhatt, Vinayak Arvind kumar Drave, Sung-Chi Hsu, Kuei Kuei Lai, Vijay Pal(2020,May), Chapter 2:Industry 4.0 in Emerging Economies: Technological and Societal Challenges for Sustainability, Applications and Challenges of Maintenance and Safety Engineering in Industry 4.0, IGI Global,pp.31-48。
- Vimal Kumar, Pratima Verma, Sachin Kumar Mangla, Atul Mishra, Dababrata Chowdhary,Sung Chi Hsu and Kuei Kuei Lai(2020,1), Barriers to Total Quality Management for sustainability in Indian organizations,International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, DOI 10.1108/IJQRM-10-2019-0312。
- Vinay Singh, Pratima Verma, Vignaesh Muthukumaar, Vimal Kumar, Manuj Tewari, Kuei‐Kuei Lai, Yu‐Hsin Chang。 (2019年8月)Immunization strategy for epidemic spreading based on membership (m) over a multilayer network。 Business strategy and Development, pp.1-10。 https://doi.org/10.1002/bsd2.87。
- Chun-Tao Chang, Liang-Yuh Ouyang, Jinn-Tsair Teng, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas-Barrón 。Manufacturer’s pricing and lizing decisions for perishable goods under various payment terms by a discounted cash flow analysis(2019,Dec)。International Journal of Production Economics(SCIE/SSCI/Scopus),218,pp.83-95。
- Tsu-Pang Hsieh, Chung-Yuan Dye, Kuei Kuei Lai(2019年04月),A dynamic advertising problem when demand is sensitive to the credit period and stock of advertising goodwill(Published on line)。Journal of the Operational Research Society(SSCI/SCIE/Scopus),1-19, https://doi.org/10.1080/01605682.2019.1595189,本人為通訊作者。
- Rung Hung Su, Ming Wei Weng, Yung Fu Huang, Kuei Kuei Lai(2019年03月)。Two-stage assembly system with imperfect items for a coordinated two-level integrated supply chain under carbon emission constraints。International Journal for Engineering Modelling(Scopus), 31(3) , pp.1-18。
- 李志雄,陳悅琴,賴奎魁*,俞慧芸(2018年06月)。殯葬禮儀商業模式公司面價值主張剖析與內部行銷之探討。產業與管理論壇(TSSCI),20(2),32-62,本人為通訊作者。
- Chia-Hui Yu, Chia-Chang Tsai, Yi-chuan Wang, Kuei-Kuei Lai and Mina Tajvidi(2018年04月) Towards building a value co-creation circle in social commerce (In Press) 。 Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI/ Scopus) ,1-10。Doi:10.1016/j.chb.2018.04.021
- Tsu-Pang Hsieh, Ming-Wei Weng, Rung-Hung Su and Kuei-Kuei Lai(2018年06月)。An integrated vendor-buyer inventory model with defective items and trade credit under holding cost reduction, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences (Scopus), 29(2), pp.145-169。
- 劉瑞榮, 賴奎魁*,林建餘(2018年01月)。訴訟過的專利是有價值的?—基於LED訴訟專利的引用網路分析。科學學與科學技術管理雜誌社(CSSCI),39(1),3-16。MOST 104-2410-H-324-011-MY3.本人為通訊作者。
- 施沛潔,林建餘,賴奎魁,蘇芳霈(2018年01月)。辨識專利侵權訴訟關係網絡中位置與角色的計量分析方法:以智慧型手機公司為例。管理與系統(TSSCI),25(1),61-86。(TSSCI)。科技部:104-2410-H-324-011-MY3。本人為通訊作者。
- 劉瑞榮,賴奎魁 (2017年12月)。識別企業專利侵權訴訟網路位置與角色的結構性方法。情報雜誌(CSSCI),36(12),106-113。CSSCI)。科技部:104-2410-H-324-011-MY3。本人為通訊作者。
- Tsu-Pang Hsieh, Ming-Wei Weng,*Rung-Hung Su,and Kuei-Kuei Lai,2018, An integrated vendor-buyer inventory model with defective items and trade credit under holding cost reduction,International Journal of Information and Management Sciences(EI/TSSCI), (Accepted).
- Yung Fu Huang,Ming Wei Weng*,Kuei-Kuei Lai,Rung-Hung Su,2018,Two-stage assembly system with imperfect items for a coordinated two-level integrate supply chain under carbon emission constraints,International Journal for Engineering Modelling(EI).
- Yu-Hsin Chang, Ming-Chung Yang, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Wen-Goang Yang & Chien-Yu Lin (2017, Oct). Patent portfolios and knowledge flow(s) of photovoltaic companies. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management(SSCI,Scopus),29(10),1121-1138.http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2016.1271119).MOST 104-2410-H-324-011-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
- Yu-Hsin Chang,Kuei-Kuei Lai,Chien-Yu Lin,Fang-Pei Su,Ming-Chung Yang (2017,Oct). A Hybrid Clustering Approach to Identify Network Positions and Roles through Social Network and Multivariate Analysis. Scientometrics (SSCI,Scopus),DOI 10.1007/s11192-017-2556-y,Vol.113,1733–1755. (SSCI, DOI 10.1007/s11192-017-2376-0). MOST 104-2410-H-324-011-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Chien-Yu Lin, Yu-Hsin Chang,Ming-Chung Yang, Wen-Goang Yang (2017, Jun). A structured approach to explore technological competencies through R&D portfolio of photovoltaic companies by patent statistics. Scientometrics (SSCI,Scopus), Vol.111(3),1327-1351. (SSCI, DOI 10.1007/s11192-017-2376-0). MOST 104-2410-H-324-011-MY3. 本人為第一作者.
- Horng-Jinh Chang, Hsueh-Chen Chen, Chun-Ming Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai,Chien Yu Lin and Kung-Ling Ho,2017, Identifying The Technology Position On Patent Acquisition Of Cardiovascular Stent By Complementarity And Supplementary Knowledge ,International Journal of Organizational Innovation,Vol.10,No.2,pp233-251.(EI/Inspect). 本人為通訊作者.
- 楊明宗, 陳樹榮, 賴奎魁*, 2014, 從互補性與增補性探討專利收購之研究-, 產業與管理論壇,第16卷,第4期,頁28-48(TSSCI).
- 陳樹榮,張秉鈞,賴奎魁,劉佩雯,2014,從專利資訊觀點探討商品技術專利轉讓最適廠商與評估指標關聯性之研究:以Kodak公司數位影像技術為例,中華民國資訊管理學報,第二十一卷,第四期,頁417-446。 (TSSCI)
- Yu-hsin Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai*, We- Goang Yang, Ming-Chung Yang,2014, Note on A heuristic procedure to identify the most valuable chain of patent priority network, International Journal of Innovation and Technology ManagementVol.12,No.3,154002-1~154002-17 (EI). 本人為通訊作者.
- Calvin Weng ,Wen-Goang Yang, Kue- Kuei Lai*, 2014, Technological Position in Alliances Network, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol.26, No. 6, 669–685 (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- Fang-Pei Su, Ping-Chun Chang Wen-Goang Yang, Kuei-Kuei Lai*, 2014, Building Core Technological Competence- Patent Portfolio Perspective, pensee. (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- Ta-Sheng Hung, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Yun Ken, Nai-Yuan Pai, Wei-Ting Lin and Chih Hung Wu, 2012, An innovative supply chain management strategy for green smart LED industry, African Journal of Business Management, Vol.5, No.30, pp.2990-3000. (SSCI)
- Wen-Goang Yang, Ta-Sheng Hung and Kuei-Kuei Lai, 2012, Technological spillovers of transferred inventors from the perspective of Social Network Analysis (SNA), African Journal of Business Management, Vol.5, No.20, pp.8192-8203. (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- 吳智鴻, 黃道, 耿筠, 賴奎魁, 徐憲宏, 2012, 定義大學商業化之關鍵成功因素:科學發表與技術移轉績效關係的首次揭露, 科技管理學刊, Vol.17, No.2, pp.79-100.(TSSCI)
- 陳樹榮, 賴奎魁*, 2012, 以自我技術網絡觀點辨識商品化最佳合作夥伴(NSC 96-2416-H-224-011-MY3), 管理與系統, Vol.19, No.4, pp.589-623. (TSSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- 蘇芳霈, 賴奎魁*, 2011, 由專利家族觀點探討核心技術能耐的建構, 商略學報, Vol.3, No.2, pp.67-79.
- Fang-Pei Su, Wen-Goang Yang, Kuei-Kuei Lai*, 2011, A Heuristic Procedure to Identify the Most Valuable Chain of Patent Priority Network(NSC 96-2416-H-224-011-MY3), Technological Forecasting and Social Change(Imapct Factor=1.776), Vol.78, No.1, pp.319-331. (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- 賴奎魁*, 歐陽光, 郭宗賢, 2011, 整合專利家族與專利引用於新產品設計之研究, 管理與系統, Vol.18, No.1, pp.199-229. (TSSCI)(NSC-96-2416-H-224-001-MY3). 本人為通訊作者.
- Fang Pei Su, Kuei-Kuei Lai*, R.R.K. Sharma, Tsung Hsien Kuo, 2010, Patent Priority Network: Linking Patent Portfolio to Strategic Goals(NSC 96-2416-H-224-011-MY3), Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology(Impact Factor=2.3), Vol.60, No.11, pp.2353-2361. (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- R.K. Sharma, Wen-Goang Yang, Kuei-Kuei Lai*, 2010, Influence of Strategy and Culture on Management Control Systems(MCS):A Conceptual Framework, International Journal of Strategic Management, Vol.10, No.1, pp.164-168.
- 賴奎魁*, 蘇芳霈, 郭宗賢, 2010, 使用專利優先權方法探討公司專利組合(NSC 96-2416-H-224-011-MY3), 管理學報, Vol.27, No.2, pp.149-168. (TSSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai*, Calvin S. Weng, 2010, The isomorphic development of insurance-the perpesctive of social network(NSC 95-2416-H-224-014), International Journal of Services Technology and Management(INDERSCIENCE), Vol.13, No.1/2, pp.85-104. (EI). 本人為通訊作者.
- Tsung-Hsien Kuo, Li-An Ho, Chinho Li, Kuei-Kuei Lai, 2010, Employee empowerment in a technology advanced work environment(SCI,Impact Factor=0.9), Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.110, No.1, pp.24-42. (SCI)
- 翁順裕, 賴奎魁*, 2009, 從社會網絡分析觀點探討技術的趨同性—以保險商業方法專利為例(NSC 95-2416-H-224-04), 管理學報, Vol.26, No.5, pp.485-506. (TSSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Tzu-Hsin Liu, Fang-Chen Kao, 2009, Why Quality Is Improving Continuously? An Integrated Perspective of Institution Theory and the Resource-Based View of the Firm, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence(Impact Factor=0.314), Vol.20, No.10, pp.1111-1122. (SSCI)
- 陳宥杉, 賴奎魁, 施宜君, 詹采璃, 2008, 以專利分析探討油電混合車之發展現況, 環境與管理研究, Vol.9, No.1, pp.46-70.
- Shann-Bin Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Shu–Min Chang, 2008, Exploring technology diffusion and classification of business methods:Using the patent citation network, Technology Forcasting & Social Change(Impact Factor=1.776), Vol.76, No.1, pp.107-117. (SSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- 翁順裕, 賴奎魁*, 陳孟棋, 2008, 將專利組合鑲嵌至技術規劃中, 管理與系統, Vol.15, No.2, pp.323-354. (TSSCI). 本人為通訊作者.
- 高芳真, 劉子歆, 賴奎魁, 2007, 組織信念與策略創業:大立光電之個案研究, 管理評論, Vol.26, No.4, pp.27-52. (TSSCI).
- K.-K. LAI, F.-P. SU, C. S. Weng and C.-L. Chen, 2007, Co-Opetition Strategy from the Patent Analysis Perspective:The Case of the Stent Market, Internation Journal of Innovation and Technology Management(EBSCO), Vol.4, No.2, pp.137-153. (其他)
- 張善斌, 林美蘭, 賴奎魁*, `張淑敏, 2007, 再論專利分析相關文獻知分類研究, 科技管理學刊, Vol.12, No.3, pp.1-34. (TSSCI) 本人為通訊作者..
- 陳宥杉, 賴奎魁, 陳碧俞, 2007, 預測產學合作研究計畫之技術移轉發展-以國科會小產學為例, 知識經濟學報, Vol.2, No.1, pp.39-50. (其他)
- 陳宥杉, 賴奎魁, 陳碧俞, 林複營, 2007, 探討我國紡織業與自行車業之專利技術研發現況, 環球科技人文學刊, Vol.5, pp.25-40.
- Shann-Bin Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai and Shu-Min Chang, 2006, Mobility of Technology Positioning with Chang in Patent Portfolio, The Journal of American Academiy of Business(ABI), Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 90-96. (其他)
- 賴奎魁, 林美蘭, 張淑敏, 張善斌, 2006, 專利分相關文獻之分類研究:採用書目計量學方法, 科技管理學刊, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 137-148. (其他). 本人為通訊作者.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Mei-Lan Lin&Shu-Min Chang, 2006, Research Trends on Patent Analysis:An Analysis of the Research Published in Librarys Electonic Database, The Journal of American Academy of Business(ABI), Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 248-253.
- 賴奎魁, 洪世章, 施育地, 李俊億, 2005, 非法藥品對合法藥品銷售績效影響之研究, 交大管理學報, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 141-170. (TSSCI)
- 賴奎魁, 吳曉君, 張善斌,, 2005, 建立產業專利分類系統-共同引證分析觀點, 管理學報, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 261-277. (TSSCI)
- Kuei-Kuei Lai and Calvin S Weng, 2005, Combing highly cited patents with patent co-citation to foresee technological trajectoyies:a conceptual framework, PICMET 2005. (EI)(NSC 94-2416-H-224-004)
- 賴奎魁, 翁順裕, 2005, 保險也有專利嗎?, 政大智慧財產評論, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.1-22.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai & Shiao-Jun Wu, 2005, Using patent co-citation approach to establish a new patent classification system, Information Processing & Management(Impact Factor=1.783), Vol. 41, No.3, pp. 313-330. (SSCI)
- 賴奎魁, 吳曉君, 2004, 台灣半導體製造業公司技術定位之研究—使用專利資料, 商管科技季刊, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 149-167.
- 賴奎魁, 張善斌, 2004, 建構商業方法技術擴散模式-整合專利引證及貝氏模式, 科技管理學刊, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-34.
- 賴奎魁, 施育地, 林東益, 2004, 技術定位與技術策略群組—以台灣半導體封裝產業為例, 管理研究學報, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-22.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Shann-Bin Chang and Shu-Min Chang, 2004, A Technology diffusion model of business method :a integration of patent citation and bass model, PICMET04. (EI)
- 賴奎魁, 楊大羽, 吳曉君, 2003, 醫療市場定位之研究—以大台中地區區域級以上醫院為例, 醫務管理期刊, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 53-67.
- 賴奎魁, 張善斌, 吳曉君, 2003, 從美國專利資料庫探討企業商業方法技術專長及技術定位, 科技管理學刊, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.. 91-122.
- 賴奎魁, 蕭智文, 吳曉君, 2003, 軟體侵權擴散模式之研究, 商管科技學刊, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 33-52.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai and Fang-Chen Kao and Chun-Kan Huang, 2003, The Technological Positioning and The Groups of Technological Strategy -Case Study of Digital Still Camera Industry in Taiwan, Tamsui Oxford of Management Science, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 31-60.
- Dar-Yu Yang, Jin-Ruen Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai, 2003, An Empirical Study of Management Paradigms Post SARS, Journal of Emergence Medicine, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 60-66.
- 賴奎魁, 鄭伶如, 張智翔, 2002, 運用專利資料探討接觸式影像感測器技術發展趨勢之研究, 科技管理學刊, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 117- 136.
- 賴奎魁, 劉松癸, 2002, 居住環境品質概念模式與其決定因素之初探, 管理與系統, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 489- 512. (TSSCI)
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, ,, 2002, The Effect of a Monopoly Agent of Multiple Locations on Optimal Control Over Inventory and Pricing, Tamsui Oxford of Management Science, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 81-94.
- 賴奎魁, 鄭伶如, 2001, 技術情境之研究-以接觸式影像感測器為例, 管理與系統, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 421-438. (TSSCI)
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Lin-Ju Cheng, 2001, A Monopoly Agent’s Optimal Control Over Inventory and Price, Tamsui Oxford of Management Science, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 1-10.
- 賴奎魁, 1994, 技職院校管理計量專業課程之研究, 技職院校管理計量專業課程之研究.
- 賴奎魁, 1993, 多市場合併對獨佔性代理商之銷售週期選擇與其利潤的影響效果, 淡江學報, No. 32.
- Lai, Kuei-Kuei, 1992, A Monopoly Agents Optimal Control on Inventory and Prices over a given selling Planning Horizon, International journal of information & management sciences, Vol. 3, No. 2. (EI)
- Kuel-Kuel Lai,Adam Kao-Wen Weng*,Hsiao-Yun Chang,(2022,June), Literature Development Trajectory of LED Smart Street Lighting by Main Path Analysis, 2022 IEEE 28th ICE/ITMC & 31st IAMOT Joint Conference IEEE , 19-23 June, 2022, Nancy France.
- Nagendra Kumar Sharma, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Wen-Kuo Chen, Manish Kumar, Effective Implementation of Industry 4.0 and Its Impact on Marketing Performance, 2021 IEEE First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Industry 4.0 (2021 ETI 4.0) to be held at O. P. Jindal University, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, India during 19 - 21, May 2021.
- Rrk Sharma, Piya Ghosh and Kk Lai,Multi Period, Single Commodity and Single Stage Warehouse Location Problem with Location, Distribution Inventory and Shortage Costs, 2021 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Applications (ICIEA 2021)
- Sharma, N.K., Chen, W.K., & Lai, K.K. (2020), Challenges and Prospects for Digital Marketers while Dealing with SMEs: An Interview, The 4th International Conference on Software and e-Business (ICSEB 2020).(scopus).
- Kuei-Kuei Lai , Yu-Hsin Chang, Priyanka C ,Hsueh-Chen Chen, Vimal Kumar, Yu Jui Wu , Identifying the Technological Positions and Roles using Patent Citation Network: The case of Solar Photovoltaic Cell Companies, 2020,The role on inter-organizational knowledge flows of patent citation network: The case of Thin-film solar cells.26th ICE/IEEEITMC Conference ,15-17, June,2020, Cardiff University, Wales,UK.
- Priyanka C. Bhatt, Vimal Kumar, Tzu-Chuen Lu, Rico Lee-Ting Cho, and Kuei Kuei Lai(2020年3月),Rise and Rise of Blockchain: A Patent Statistics Approach to Identify the Underlying Technologies, Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, pp. 456–466, 2020.
- Vimal Kumar, Chien-Yu Lin, Wen-Goang Yang, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Yu-Hsin Chang,2019,Computing Redundancy in Complementary and Supplementary Technologies using TLC Indicators: A Theoretical Framework, PICMET '19 Conference, August 25 - 29, 2019, Hilton Portland and Executive Tower, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Chwen-Li Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Chien-Yu Lin, Hsueh-Chen Chen,2019,The role on inter-organizational knowledge flows of patent citation network: The case of Thin-film solar cells. 25rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference ,17-19, June,2019, Sophia Antipolis on the French Riviera, France.
- Chwen-Li Chang,Kuei-Kuei Lai, Liu Ruirong, Hsueh-Chen Chen, Horng-Jinh Chang,2018, Are Litigated Patents Valuable? Litigated Patent Citation Network Analysis between Companies: A Case Study of the Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Industry. 24rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference ,17-20, June,2018,Stuttgart, Germany.
- Chia-hui YU, Chia-chang TSAI, Kuei-Kuei Lai,2018, Building a Digital Value Co-Creation Circle of Service Innovation: The Largest Taxi Fleet in Taiwan, 2018 International Conference on Computer, Communication and Network Technology.(SCOPUS)(已接受)
- Chien-Yu Lin,Fang-Pei Su, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Hui-Chuan Shih and Chia-Chun Liu,, Research and Development Portfolio for the Payment FinTech Company - The Perspectives of Patent Statistics, 2018 The 2nd International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology (ICSET 2018). (EI,SCOPUS)(已接受)
- Chien-Yu Lin,Hsueh-Chen Chen, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Yu-Hsin Chang & Vimal Kumar, Technological Evolution of Thin-film Solar Cells through Main Path Analysis, The 2nd International Conference on E-Society, E-Education and E-Technology (ICSET 2018). (SCOPUS)(已接受)
- Fang-Pei Su, Hui-Chuan Shih, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Social Marketing Practice through Facebook – Taking W Group Education Foundation as an Example, 2018 International Conference on Information Management and Management Sciences (IMMS 2018). (SCOPUS)(已接受)
- Chien-Yu Lin, Hsueh-Chen Chen, Horng-Jinh Chang, Hsin-Ling Shen, Kuei-Kuei Lai, First movers or Latecomers ? Monitoring and Development of Core Technology Capability for Solar Thin-film Technology Vendors: From the Perspective of Patent Statistics, 2018 International Conference on Information Management and Management Sciences (IMMS 2018). (SCOPUS)(已接受)
- Ruirong Liu, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Chien-Yu Lin, Fang-Pei Su, Hui-Chuan Shih, Litigation Patents Knowledge Flow of Smartphone:Based on the Technology Field Citation Network, 2018 4th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering (ICIBE 2018). (SCOPUS)(已接受)
- Chwen-Li Chang,Kuei-Kuei Lai, Hsueh-Chen Chen,Horng-Jinh Chang,2017, A Structural Approach to Identify the Position and Role of the Litigation Relation Network of Smartphone Companies,23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC Conference ,27-29,June,2017,Madeira Island,Portugal.
- Fang-Pei Su, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Ming-Chung Yang, Chien-Yu Lin, and Yunn- Kuen Chang ,2017, Roles and Positions of Knowledge Flow of Companies in the Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lens Industry, PICMET '17 Conference, July 9 - 13, 2017,Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront,Portland, Oregon, USA.(EI,SCOPUS)
- Yu-Hsin Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai , Chien-Yu Lin , Wen-Goang Yang , Pei-Jie Shih, Chia-Chun Liu,2017, Knowledge Converter(s) Within Knowledge Flows of Patent Citation Network: Evidence from Patent Lawsuits of Smartphones, PICMET '17 Conference, July 9 - 13, 2017,Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront,Portland, Oregon, USA. (EI,SCOPUS)
- Yung-Fu Huang,Ming-Wei Weng*,Rung-Hung Su and Kuei Kuei Lai,2017, 2. An EPQ Model for Deteriorating Items with Allowable Shortage and Price Difference-dependent Demand, IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2017),75-81, (SCOPUS).
- 張俊明、陳佳妤、林建餘、賴奎魁、杜鑑玶,2017,專利資訊、知識共同性與廠商競合關係之研究:以Apple vs. Motorola行動通信裝置訴訟專利為例,2017朝陽科技大學第十八屆管理學域國際學術研討會
- 張俊明、陳佳妤、林建餘、賴奎魁、賴楷皓,2017,探討智慧型手機廠商的技術地位、技術增補強與技術互補性:以Apple公司為例,2017朝陽科技大學第十八屆管理學域國際學術研討會
- 蔡錦隆、林建餘、賴奎魁、張運坤,2016,矽水膠隱形眼鏡公司專利引用網路位置與角色,2016國立台北大學企業管理學系學術研討會
- 蔡錦隆、林建餘、賴奎魁、張運坤,2016,矽水膠隱形眼鏡公司研發組合:專利統計量的觀點,南臺科技大學,2016工業管理與資訊應用創新研討會
- Chwen-Li Chang, Kuei-Kuei Lai*, Yu-Hsin Chan, Wen-Goang Yan, Hsiao-Chun Wu, R&D Portfolios and Knowledge Flow of Solar Photovoltaic Companies: Patentometrics Perspective, 22th ICE Conference – IEEE TMC Europe Conference, 2015/6/13-2016/6/15, IEEE TMC Europe Conference, Troheim,Norway.
- Yu-Hsin Chang, Wen Goang Yang, Ming Chung Yang, Kuei Kuei Lai*,Chien Yu Lin,2016, Locate the Technological Position by Technology Redundancy and Centralities─Patent Citation Network Perspective, 2016 PICMET, 2016/9/4-2016/9/8,Honolulu, Hawaii,USA
- Ming Chung Yang, Fang-Pei Su, Yu-Hsin Chan, Kuei Kuei Lai*, Chien Yu Lin,2016, Expand/Offense” and “Deepen/Defense” Strategy of Patent Acquisition for Leader and Follower: Evidence from Drug-Eluting Stent, 2016 PICMET, 2016/9/4-2016/9/8,Honolulu, Hawaii,USA
- Fang-Pei Su, Pei-Jie Shih, Wen-Goang Yang, Kuei-Kuei Lai*, Chien-Yu Lin Ping-Chun Chang,2015,, Putting Design Thinking into the Patent Deployment Practice of Dimming LED Driver SMEs, 2015 PICMET, 2015/08/2-2015/08/06, Portland, Oregan,USA.
- Ping-Chun Chang, Yu-hsin Chang, Fang-Pei Su, Shu-Jung Chen, Kuei Kuei Lai, 2014, The Study on Patent Acquisition from Complementarity and Supplementary : Evidence from Smartphones of Apple and Samsung, PICMET ’14 Conference, 2014/07/27-31, JAIST (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel, Kanazawa(金澤) ,Japan.
- Yu-Hsin Chang, Wen-Goang Yang, Shu-Jung Chen, Kuei-Kuei Lai, 2014, find the right transferee for patents by ego patent citation network-evidence from Kodak, 20th ICE Conference – IEEE TMC Europe Conference, 2014/06/23-25, IEEE TMC Europe Conference, Bergamo, Italy.
- 陳樹榮, 賴奎魁, 劉佩雯, 陳思穎, 張秉鈞, 2013, 從專利資訊觀點探討商品技術專利轉讓最適廠商與評估指標關聯性之研究:以Kodak公司數位影像技術為例, 第19屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 2013/12/07, 中華民國資訊管理學會, 臺中科技大學.
- 陳樹榮, 賴奎魁, 何文欣, 張育羚, 張秉鈞, 2013, 從專利引用網絡探討產業技術、商品技術與商品屬性發展關係之研究-以行動通信裝置定位技術為例, 第19屆資訊管理暨實務研討會, 2013/12/07, 中華民國資訊管理學會, 台中科技大學.
- Calvin S. Weng, Wen-Goang Yang, Fang-Pei Su, Kuei-Kuei Lai, 2013, Positional structure analysis of information Technology Industry in Taiwan Technology Industry, 2013 PICMET, 2013/07/28-2013/08/01, PORTLAND UNIVERSITY, SAN JOSE,CA.
- Shu-Jung Chen, Fang-Pei Su, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Ming-Tsung Yang, and Ping-Chun Chang, 2013, The Patent Information, Strategic Patent Deployment Thinking, and Technology Strategies of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, PICMET, 2013/07/28-2013/08/01, Portland University,Oregon, San Jose, California, USA.
- Wen-Goang Yang, Calvin S. Weng , Kuei-Kuei Lai, 2013, Technological Position in Alliances Network, ICE & IEEE-ITMC 2013, 2013/06/23-25, ICE & IEEE-ITMC 2013 Organizing Committee, DEN HAAG,NEDERLAND.
- 蘇芳霈, 陳樹榮, 賴奎魁與胡惠珠, 2012, 公司內部資訊系統服務品質、服務滿意度與個人特徵結構方程模型之研究, 012第七屆中華商管科技學會學術研討會, 2012/11/09, 中華商管科技學會,龍華科技大學, 台灣桃園,龍華科技大學.
- 陳樹榮, 蘇芳霈, 賴奎魁與許金能, 2012, 工作配適、工作滿意度、人格特質與個人特徵結構方程模型之研究, 2012第七屆中華商管科技學會學術研討會, 2012/11/09, 中華商管科技學會,龍華科技大學, 台灣桃園,龍華科技大學.
- 陳樹榮, 蘇芳霈, 賴奎魁與莊智鈞, 2012, 服務品質、滿意度、再購意願、與情感因素結構方程模型之研究-以C公司智慧型手機行動通信為例, 2012第七屆中華商管科技學會學術研討會, 2012/11/09, 中華商管科技學會,龍華科技大學, 台灣桃園,龍華科技大學.
- Yu-hsin Chang, Kuei Kuei Lai, Shao Yu Peng, Tsung-Hsien Kuo, 2012, Note on A heuristic procedure to identify the most valuable chain of patent priority network, 2012 PICMET, Jul, Proceeding, 12R0285.(EI), 2012/07/30-2012/08/03, Porland University,Oregon,USA, Vancouver,Canada.
- Yu-hsin Chang, Kuei Kuei Lai, Fang Pei Su, Wen Goang Yang, 2012, Look inside patent family deeper, Proceeding, 00387-00319-8-F,(EI), 2012/03/27-31, IAMOT,清華大學, 台灣,新竹.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai,, 2011, An Innovative Model of Blue Ocean Strategy and Niche Marketing in Green Industry: A Case Study of the Smart LED Industry, PICMET 2011. Portland International Conference, 2011/07/31-2011/8/4, 2011/07/31-2011/08/04, PICMET, Portland,Oregon.
- Yu-hsin Chang, Wen Goang Yang, Kuei Kuei Lai, 2010, Valuable patent or not?depends on the combination of internal patent family and external citation, PICMET ’10 Conference, 2010/07/18-22, 2010 Portland International Conferrence, Phuket, Thailand.
- R.K. Sharma, Wen-Goan Yang, Kuei-Kuei, 2010, Influence of Strategy and Culture on Management Cotrol System(MCS):A Conceptural Framework, IABE-2010 Bangkok, 2010/06/04-06, International Academy of Business and Economics, Bangkok,Thailand.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai , Kuang Ou Yang, Weng, C.S., Wen-Goang Yang, 2009, Patent analysis of technology-performance by integrating patent family and patent citation, Management of Engineering & Technology, 2009. PICMET 2009. Portland International Conference, 2009/08/02-06, PICMET, Portland,Oregon, pp.1432-1446.
- Fang-Pei Su, Kuei-Kuei Lai, Wen-Goang Yang, R.R.K. Sharma, 2009, A Heuristic Procedure to Identify Most Valuable Chain of Patents in a Given Technology, PICMET 2009 Proceedings,August 2-6,Portland,Oregon, USA, 2009/08/02-06, PICMET, Portland,Oregon, pp.1959-1965.
- RRK Sharma, KK Lai, Mingche Hong, 2008, RELATING NATIONAL CULTURE OF TAIWAN TO THE CULTURE OF ITS BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR INTERNATIONALIZATION OF TAIWANESE BUSINESS, IABE-2008 Las Vegas- Annual Conference in Las Vegas, 2008/10/19-22, International Academy of Business and Economics, Las Vegas.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Yang-Kuang Ou, Tung-Yu Tsai, Ta-Tung Chen, 2008, A case stydy of increasing market competitiveness through the shortening research and development cycle(EI), PICMET 2008 proceedings,27-31,July,Cape Town,South Africa(c) 2008 PICMET, 2008/07/27-31, Cape Town, pp.1255-1264.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Shu-Min Chang, Shann-Bin Chang, 2007, Using Patent Citation to Explore Knowledge Flow between Different Industries(EI), 2007 PICMET, 2007/08/05-09, Portland,Oregon.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai, Mei-Lan Lin, Shann-Bin Chang, Chin-Fu Hsu, 2007, The Study of Taxonomy and Evolutional Trends of Relevant Literatures(EI), PICMET, 2007/08/05-09, Portland,Oregon.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai1, Calvin S. Weng, 2007, The Isomorphic Development of Insurance(EI), PICMET PROCEEDING, 2007/08/05-09, Portland,Oregon.
- Fang-Chen Kao , Kuei-Kuei Lai, 2007, Organizations, Institutions, and Activities: The Case of Taiwan’s Optical Component(EI), PICMET2007 Proceedings pp.716-725, 2007/08/05-09, Portland,Oregon, pp.716-725.
- 陳宥杉, 賴奎魁, 陳碧俞, 2007, 應用資料包絡分析法評估台灣傳統產業與基礎產業之固定資產生產效率, 2007經營與管理學術研討會, 2007/05/04, 台南:長榮大學.
- 陳宥杉, 賴奎魁, 陳碧俞, 2007, 產學合作研究計畫之技術移轉發展預測-以國科會小產學為例, 第一屆科技與創新價值研討會, 2007/03/31, 台北:真理大學.
- 賴奎魁, 2006, 保險業的新競爭策略, 2006年全國科技法律研討會, 2006/11/22-23, 新竹市,交通大學, pp.401410.
- Lai, K.K., Weng, C.S.& Su, F.P., 2006, Technological positions and capabilities-The case of large Taiwanese semiconductors manufacturing, PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR MANAGEMENT OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 2006/07/08-13, HAYTT HOTEL, Istanbul, HAYTT HOTEL, p.66.
- Lai, K.K., Su, F.P., Weng, C.S., Cheng, C.L.& Lin, M.L, 2006, A study of co-opetition strategy from the patent analysis perspective: The case of manufacturers in the stent market, PORTLAND INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR MANAGEMENT OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY(PICMET), 2006/07/08-13, HAYTT HOTEL, Istanbul, HAYTT HOTEL, p.63.
- 賴奎魁, 翁順裕, 2005, 專利分析的應用-探討壽險業之保險商品的創新與定位, 2005全國科技法律研討會(論文集), 2005/11/17-18, 新竹,交大, pp. 611-619.
- Lai Kuai-Kuai, Lin Mei-Lan, Chang Shan-Bin, Su Fang-Pei, 2005, Exploring Research Evolution on Patent Analysis, IAMOT05, 2005/05/22-26, Vienna.
- 賴奎魁, 蘇芳霈, 陳樹榮, 2005, 從美國專利資料庫探討商業方法主流設計及專利組合, 2005年兩岸管理科學暨經營決策學術研討會, 2005/04/18-19, 吉林(吉林大學), pp. 927-950.
- 賴奎魁, 高芳真, 2005, 把玻璃,塑膠變鑽石的產業-談台灣光學元件產業脈絡軌跡, 2005年兩岸管理科學暨經營決策學術研討會, 2005/04/18-19, 吉林(吉林大學), pp. 709-734.
- 賴奎魁,林美蘭,邱文仁, 2004, 以技術生命週期觀點探討台灣產業生態之發展, 中小企業核心競能研討會, 台南(遠東技術學院), pp. 781-793.
- Kuei-kuei Lai,Shann-Bin Chang,Mei-lan Lin,Shu-Min Chang, 2004, Studying the Mobility of Technology Positioning with Change in Patent Portfolio, The 4th International Symposium on Management of Innovation and Technology ISMOT, 2004/10/24-26, 浙江(Zhejiang university), pp. 611-616.
- Lai, kuei-kuei, Calvin S. Weng, Hui-Chuan Shih, 2004, Insurance Business Method and intellectual property., NCHU, 2004/10/16, Taichung.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai、Shann-Bin Chang、Shu-Min Chang, 2004, A Technology Diffusion Model of Business Method:A Integration of Patent Citation and Bass Model., PICMET, 2004/07/31-2004/08/04, Seoul.
- 賴奎魁, 施育地, 2004, 多代擴散模式─以台灣上市之抗生素為實證資料, 2003管理創新與新願景研討會(論文), 2004/05/19, 台北(真理大學).
- 賴奎魁, 林美蘭, 張善斌, 蕭宏誠, 2004, 專利分析文獻之發展趨勢, 第一屆創新與管理學術研討會, 2004/04/15, 台北 (實踐大學管理學院), pp. 116.
- 賴奎魁, 張善斌, 2003, 從企業專利組合之改變探討技術定位之移動, 2003中華民國科技管理論文研討會, 2003/12/11-13, 新竹(交通大學), pp. 941-955.
- 賴奎魁, 郭修暐, 邱文志, 楊明宗, 2003, 生物科技業科技能力衡量-食品及特用生物化學公司之各案研究, 2003中華民國科技管理論文研討會, 2003/12/11-13, 新竹(交通大學), pp. 1598-1615.
- 賴奎魁, 吳曉君, 張善斌, 2003, 使用專利共同引證分析建立專利分類系統之研究, 2003中華民國科技管理論文研討會, 2003/12/11-13, 新竹(交通大學), pp. 1352-1367.
- 賴奎魁, 吳曉君, 張善斌, 2003, 使用專利共同引證分析建立專利分類系統之研究, 2003 中華民國科技管理論文研討會, 2003/12/11-13, 新竹(交通大學).
- 賴奎魁, 劉松癸, 黃筱霈, 2003, 居住環境品質之衡量, 中華民國品質學會第三十八屆年會暨第八屆全國品質管理研討會, 2003/11/12, 台中(東海大學), pp. 53~60.
- 賴奎魁, 高芳真, 施育地, 2003, 蓬勃發展中的台灣光學文件產業, 2003年兩岸管理科學暨經營決策學術研討會, 2003/09/08, 成都(西南財經大學), pp. 481~502.
- 陳淼勝, 賴奎魁, 劉松癸, 黃筱霈, 2003, 居住環境品質量表的建構─社區居民的觀點, 2003年兩岸管理科學暨經營決策學術研討會, 2003/09/08, 成都(西南財經大學), pp. 285~302.
- 賴奎魁, 蘇芳霈, 陳柏宏, 2003, 台灣萌芽期生物晶片產業發展與經營策略研究, 2003管理創新與新願景研討會(論文), 2003/05/16, 台北(真理大學).
- 賴奎魁, 張善斌, 2002, 商業方法技術策略群組定位之研究-以USPTO專利資料庫為例, 2002全國科技法律研討會, 2002/11/21-22, 新竹(國立交通大學科技法律研究所).
- 賴奎魁, 蕭智文, 2002, 軟體侵權擴散模式之研究, 2002年管理創新與新願景研討會(論文及第一集), 2002/05/24, 台北(真理大學).
- 賴奎魁, 杜啟華, 鄭伶如, 2002, 台灣接觸式影像感測器之技術預測-情境分析之應用」, 高新科技管理, 2002/04/30, 香港, pp. 75-90.
- 賴奎魁, 周瑞銘, 楊金昌, 2002, 建築業價值活動之能力、稟賦及知識關係之研究–以建設公司個案為例, 2002年兩岸管科學暨經營決策學術研討會(論文集), 2002/03/31-2002/04/01, 北京(清華大學), pp. 101-125.
- 陳淼勝, 賴奎魁, 劉松癸, 2002, 居住環境品質概念性模式與其決定性因素之研究, 2002年兩岸管科學暨經營決策學術研討會(論文集), 2002/03/31-2002/04/01, 北京(清華大學), pp. 345-365.
- 賴奎魁, 吳曉君, 2001, 台灣半導體製造業創新投入程度、專利取得及商譽之關聯性, 2001全國科技法律研討會, 2001/11/15-16, 新竹(國立交通大學科技法律研究所), pp. 681-694.
- 賴奎魁, 鄭伶如, 2000, 使用專利資料探討技術發展趨勢之研究, 2000年中華民國科技管理研討會, 2000/12/20-21, 新竹(交通大學), pp. 441-456.
- 賴奎魁, 吳曉君, 2000, 結合專利分析與多元尺度分析技術以評估台灣半導體製造業公司之技術定位, 2000全國科技法律研討會, 2000/12/11-12, 新竹(國立交通大學科技法律研究所), pp. 889-902.
- 賴奎魁, 杜啟華, 鄭伶如, 1999, 我國接觸式影像感測器之技術預測-情境分析法應用, 1999年中華民國科技管理研討會, 1999/12/18-19, 高雄(中山大學), pp. 693-704.
- 賴奎魁, 張瑩珠, 鄭伶如, 1999, 建立專利策略群組模式之研究, 1999全國智慧財產權研討會, 1999/11/15-16, 新竹(國立交通大學企業法律中心), pp. 853-867.
- 賴奎魁, 李宜哲, 鄭伶如, 1999, 建立專利策略規劃模式之研究, 1999全國智慧財產權研討會, 1999/11/15-16, 新竹(國立交通大學企業法律中心), pp. 889-902.
- Kuei-Kuei Lai ,Fang Pei Su, Tsung Hsien Kuo, 2011, Method and system for evaluating/analyzing patent portfolio using patent priority approach(NSC 96-2416-H-224-011-MY3), 發明US 8,712,894 B2號(執行期間:專利期間自2014年4月29日至2030年11月03日),中華民國專利.
- 賴奎魁、吳曉君、張善斌, 2006,專利分類系統及方法,發明第I 254242號,執行期間:專利期間自2006年5月1日至2024年11月28日.
- 賴奎魁、蘇芳霈、郭宗賢, 2009,,使用專利優先權評估/分析專利組合的方法及系統(NSC 96-2416-H-224-011-MY3) ,發明第I 389000號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年3月11日至2029年05月06日
- 賴奎魁、蘇芳霈、林怡萱、林婉勤、江峻榮、黃學馴,攜帶式洗淨裝置,新型第M447203號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年02月21日至2022年04月15日
- 賴奎魁,2013,具驅逐天敵之節能裝置,,新型第M452624號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年05月11日至2022年08月14日
- 賴奎魁,具即時翻譯與傳輸之眼鏡裝置,新型第M447203號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年02月21日至2023年03月17日
- 賴奎魁,楊文廣,具調解辨識之容置空間構造,新型第M458863號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年08月11日至2022年04月15日
- 賴奎魁,具驅逐猴子之節能裝置,新型第M447203號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年07月21日至2022年12月5日
- 賴奎魁,具疊層味蕾與溫測之構造,新型第M457176號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年02月11日至2022年04月15日
- 賴奎魁、楊文廣,複合式之流體感測構構造, 新型第M457874號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年07月21日至2023年01月23日
- 賴奎魁、蘇芳霈、許淑菁,具組合式之潔縫構造,新型第M456796號,執行期間:專利期間自2013年07月11日至2022年12月05日
- 賴奎魁、蘇芳霈、林怡萱、林婉勤、江峻榮、黃學馴,攜帶式洗淨裝置,榮穫2012義大利國際發明展與競賽金牌獎
- 賴奎魁、蘇芳霈、林怡萱、林婉勤、江峻榮,具驅逐天敵之節能裝置,榮穫2012烏克蘭國際發明展與競賽銅牌獎
- 賴奎魁、蘇芳霈、林怡萱、楊文廣 ,,具潔淨傘狀菊台之結構,榮穫2012波蘭華沙國際發明展與競賽銀牌獎
- 賴奎魁、楊文廣,具潔淨傘狀菊台之結構,2013年第十六屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽金牌獎
- 賴奎魁、蘇芳霈、陳樹榮、張友信、張秉鈞、何文欣、黃陽明、陳佩雯、劉佩雯、杜鑑坪,具即時翻譯與傳輸之眼鏡裝置, 2013年第十六屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽銀牌獎
- 整合技術生命週期專利計量指標與主徑路分析並經由專利引用網絡以探討技術重疊性與知識流的結構化方法,科技部專題研究三年期計劃第一年成果報告.(執行期間:2019年08 月01 日至2020 年07 月31 日), MOST 104-2410-H-324-004-MY3
- 技術智慧資本鏈的基礎:技術知識流,技術能力與專利佈局-專利計量觀點,科技部專題研究三年期計劃第三年成果報告.(執行期間:2017 年08 月01 日至2018 年07 月31 日), MOST 104-2410-H-324-011-MY3
- 技術智慧資本鏈的基礎:技術知識流,技術能力與專利佈局-專利計量觀點,科技部專題研究三年期計劃第二年成果報告.(執行期間:2016 年08 月01 日至2017 年07 月31 日), MOST 104-2410-H-324-011-MY3
- 技術智慧資本鏈的基礎:技術知識流,技術能力與專利佈局-專利計量觀點,科技部專題研究三年期計劃第一年成果報告.(執行期間:2015 年08 月01 日至2016 年07 月31 日), MOST 104-2410-H-324-011-MY3
- 利用專利資料探討技術購併契合性-由技術位置至技術互補101-2410-H-224-033-MY3(執行期間:2012年08月01日至2015年07月31日)
- 整合專利家族網路多條要徑鏈與技術道圖以體現專利價值99-2410-H-224-005-MY2(執行期間:2010年08月01日至2012年07月31日)
- 整合專利引用與專利佈局形塑專利策略, NSC 96-2416-H-224-011. (執行期間:2007年08月01日至2010年07月31日)
- 競爭者分析暨專利態樣之研究, 提昇產業技術及人才培育研究計畫, NSC 95-2416-H-224-003-CC3.
- 技術分化?技術趨同?, NSC 95-2416-H-224-014
- 結合高引證與專利共被引來洞悉保險商業方法的技術軌跡國科會專題研究計劃, NSC 94-2416-228-008
- 使用專利分析探討商業方法企業之技術定位、技術群組及技術能力的演化, 國科會專題研究計劃, NSC 93-2146-H224-004
- 利用專利共同引證分析建立專利分類架構之研究, 國科會專題研究計劃, NSC 92-2416-H-224-004
- 使用專利資料探討台灣半導體製造公司技術定位之研究, 國科會專題研究計劃, NSC-90-2416-H-224-017
- 利用專利地圖分析探討影像感測業專利策略之研究, 國科會專題研究計劃, NSC-88-2416-H-224-027
- 研究發展專案小組研發效率之評估與探討, 國科會專題研究計劃, NSC 87-2416-H-224-005
- 台灣地區休閒旅遊業之服務品質,顧客滿意度與經營績效因果性關係之研究, NSC-85-2418-H-224-004