Assistant Professor I-Tung Shih


Contact Information

Telephone Number:(04)2332-3000 ext. 4842


Educational Background

Graduated from the Ph.D. program in the Department of Business Administration, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology.

Ph.D. program in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Resource Development, National Chi Nan University.

Teaching Subjects

Human Resource Management (Master's Program for International Students, taught in English), Service Industry Management (Master's and Doctoral Programs for International Students, taught in English), Journal Article Seminar (Doctoral Program for International Students, taught in English), Organizational Learning (Master's Program in Chinese, and International Master's Program taught in English), Organizational Behavior (Master's Program in Chinese, and International Master's Program taught in English), General Strategic Management, Management Psychology, Consumer Behavior, E-Commerce Management, Employee Psychological Counseling and Guidance (EAP: Employee Assistance Program)

Research Interests

Human Resource Management, Emotional Psychology, Consumer Behavior, Sustainable Management


Senior Product Pricing Analyst, Assistant Manager at Timberland, a U.S. company.

 Experience in Peer Review for SSCI Journals

2021  2021

  1.  The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
  2. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 

2022  2022

  1. The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management(2022) 
  2. Psychological Reports (2022)
  3. Leadership & Organization Development Journal
  4. 明道論壇    Mingdao Forum
  5. International Journal for Quality Research
  6. International Journal of Business

American Psychological Association (APA)


Journal Articles

K-H Chan, S-P Lin and I-T Shih* (2022), The Mediator CSR Plays the Effective Leadership Belief Role for Resource Dilemma Handling Leadership in Organizational Commitment During Sustainability Development. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:874646. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.874646 (SSCI, Scopus Q1; 通訊作者)

K-H Chan, S-P Lin and I-T Shih* (2022), The Mediator CSR Plays the Effective Leadership Belief Role for Resource Dilemma Handling Leadership in Organizational Commitment During Sustainability Development. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:874646. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.874646 (SSCI, Scopus Q1; Corresponding Author)

C-H Li, W-G Y., and I-T S.*, 2021, Exploration on the gap of single- and double-loop learning of balanced scorecard and organizational performance in a health organization, Heliyon (SCIE, Scopus Q1; 通訊作者)

C-H Li, W-G Y., and I-T S.*, 2021, Exploration on the gap of single- and double-loop learning of balanced scorecard and organizational performance in a health organization, Heliyon (SCIE, Scopus Q1; Corresponding Author)

K-F Ch., W-G Y., Y-W C., I-T. S*, 2022, Why Insisting in Being Volunteers? A Practical Case Study Exploring from Both Rational and Emotional Perspectives, Int. J. of Ment. Health Pro. (SSCI, Scopus Q3; 通訊作者)

K-F Ch., W-G Y., Y-W C., I-T. S*, 2022, Why Insisting in Being Volunteers? A Practical Case Study Exploring from Both Rational and Emotional Perspectives, Int. J. of Ment. Health Pro. (SSCI, Scopus Q3; Corresponding Author)

Hsi-Tien Chen, Chih-Hung Wang, and I-Tung Shih*, (2021), Are frontline employees punching bags? The relationship between interpersonal workplace incivility and employee incivility toward customers, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Volume 47, June 2021, Pages 377-388 (SSCI, Scopus Q1; 通訊作者)

Hsi-Tien Chen, Chih-Hung Wang, and I-Tung Shih*, (2021), Are frontline employees punching bags? The relationship between interpersonal workplace incivility and employee incivility toward customers, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Volume 47, June 2021, Pages 377-388 (SSCI, Scopus Q1; Corresponding Author)

Pi, S.; Chang, K.-F.; Shih, I.-T. Research on the Performance of Human Capital at Different Organizational Levels of Pharmaceutical Corporations: Moderation of Informal Relational Capital. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7852.  (SSCI; Scopus Q2)

研討會   Conference

  1. 2022第十三屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會之議程主持人

Chair of the Agenda for the 13th Conference on Prospective Management Academic and Industrial Trends, 2022

  1. 張易瑋1,黃淑琴2*,施依彤3*, 管樂團活動的公共療育功能初探,, 2022第十三屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會,聯合大學主辦,2022514日,苗栗市 (碩士生,研討會論文集摘要發表)

Chang, Yi-Wei¹, Huang, Shu-Chin²*, Shih, Yi-Tung³*, "An Exploratory Study on the Public Therapeutic Functions of Orchestra Activities," 13th Conference on Prospective Management Academic and Industrial Trends, organized by National United University, May 14, 2022, Miaoli City (Master's Student, Abstract Presentation in the Conference Proceedings).

3. 許怡靚1,   温正傑1,  徐湘晴2,  黃建智2, 李芮文2, 黃傑揚2,  施依彤3*, 舒適與積極的對抗: 以疫情期間員工遠距工作為例, 2022第十三屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會,聯合大學主辦,2022514日,苗栗市  (大學專題生,研討會論文集摘要發表)

Hsu, Yi- Ching¹, Wen, Cheng-Chieh¹, Hsu, Hsiang-Ching², Huang, Chien-Che², Li, Rui-Wen², Huang, Chieh-Yang², Shih, Yi-Tung³*, "Comfort and Active Resistance: A Case Study of Employees' Remote Work during the Pandemic," 13th Conference on Prospective Management Academic and Industrial Trends, organized by National United University, May 14, 2022, Miaoli City (Undergraduate Thesis Student, Abstract Presentation in the Conference Proceedings).

4. 陳芃瑄1, 張羽辰1, 江詠琪2, 沈欣慧2, 吳書嫻2, 陳佳惠2, 吳湘怡2, 施依彤3*, 顧客旅程、行銷漏斗與KPI理論觀點下的顧客價值之探討性分析: 以年輕女性族群對手機消費平台購買化妝品的購前態度為例, 2022第十三屆前瞻管理學術與產業趨勢研討會,聯合大學主辦,2022514日,苗栗市   (大學專題生,研討會口頭發表)

Chen, Peng-Hsuan¹, Chang, Yu-Chen¹, Jiang, Yong-Chi², Shen, Hsin-Hui², Wu, Shu-Hsien², Chen, Chia-Hui², Wu, Hsiang-Yi², Shih, Yi-Tung³*, "An Exploratory Analysis of Customer Value from the Perspective of Customer Journey, Marketing Funnel, and KPI Theory: A Case Study of Young Women’s Pre-Purchase Attitudes towards Buying Cosmetics on Mobile Consumption Platforms," 13th Conference on Prospective Management Academic and Industrial Trends, organized by National United University, May 14, 2022, Miaoli City (Undergraduate Thesis Student, Oral Presentation in the Conference).

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