Assistant Professor Jun-Zhi Chiu


Contact Information

Telephone Number:(04)2332-3000 ext. 4480


Educational Background

PhD in Management from I-Shou University

Teaching Subjects

Logical Thinking and Computation, Data Analysis and Management Applications, Management Information Systems

Research Interests

Information Management, Technology Management, Supply Chain Management


Assistant Professor of International Business at Chang Jung University




Li-Fe Feng and Jun-Zhi Chiu* (2023). Examination of Franchisee Relationship Management in the Retail Pharmacy Industry. Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 13(4), 29-44. (*通訊作者)

Jun-Zhi Chiu and Chao-Chen Hsieh (2022). Constructing Factors Related to Sociotechnical Analysis in Elderly House. Sustainability. 14, 12880. (SSCI)

Jun-Zhi Chiu and Chao-Chen Hsieh (2022). Exploring the Influence of Supply Chain Relationship Commitment and Loyalty in F&B Industry. Advances in Management & Applied Economics, 12(2), 1-20.

Jun-Zhi Chiu and Chao-Chen Hsieh (2021). A Systematic Literature Review of the Roles, Financing Mechanisms, and Working Capital under Supply Chain Finance. International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, 10(2-3), 128-139.

Chao-Chen Hsieh and Jun-Zhi Chiu (2020). System Review: A Text Analysis on Supply Chain Finance. Universal Journal of Management, 8(2), 29-32.

研討會論文:  Conference Paper

Jun-Zhi Chiu (2019). Attributes explore in building Agri-food cold chain platform. 2019 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences. Osaka, Japan.

Jun-Zhi Chiu and Chao-Chen Hsieh (2018). Ingredient traceability of supplier and backstage visibility: Do the restaurants care? The 5th Conference on Sustainable Tourism in Asia. Hiroshima, Japan.

國科會計劃   National Science Council Project

邱俊智(2021),老人住宅管理資訊系統需求分析之研究,科技部專題研究計畫結案報告(MOST 109-2637-E-514-001-),2020/08/01~2021/12/31

Chiu, Chun-Chih (2021). A Study on the Demand Analysis of Elderly Housing Management Information Systems. Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project Completion Report (MOST 109-2637-E-514-001), August 1, 2020 - December 31, 2021.

邱俊智(2019),樂齡O2O服務創新平台建置,科技部產學合作計畫-應用型(MOST 107-2622-E-514-001 -CC3),2018/11/01~2019/12/31

Chiu, Chun-Chih (2019). Establishment of an O2O Service Innovation Platform for Active Aging. Ministry of Science and Technology Industry-Academia Cooperation Project - Applied (MOST 107-2622-E-514-001-CC3), November 1, 2018 - December 31, 2019.

邱俊智(2018),產地到餐桌- 養殖水產品B2B平台建置,科技部產學合作計畫-應用型(MOST 106-2622-E-514-309 -001-CC3),2017/11/01~2018/10/31

Chiu, Chun-Chih (2018). From Farm to Table - Establishment of a B2B Platform for Aquaculture Products. Ministry of Science and Technology Industry-Academia Cooperation Project - Applied (MOST 106-2622-E-514-309-001-CC3), November 1, 2017 - October 31, 2018.

證照:   Certificate


Labor Committee Store Service Level B Technician Certificate

City & Guilds 行銷管理師證照

City & Guilds Marketing Management Certification


TBSA Advanced Business Planning Competency Test

SOLE-CPL DL-Demonstrated Logis-tician Level 1

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