Project Associate Professor Yi-Chang Chen


Contact Information

Telephone Number:(04)2332-3000 ext. 


Educational Background

Ph.D. in Business Management (Major in Human Resource Management), Cardiff School of Management, University of Wales, UK

Master's Degree in Political Science, National Chung Cheng University

Bachelor's Degree in Political Science, National Taiwan University

Teaching Subjects

Human Resource Management, Strategic Human Resource Management and Digital Leadership, Marketing Research

Research Interests

Human Resource Management, Education and Training Development, Competency Analysis, Consumer Behavior



Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration and Graduate Institute, Kun Shan University of Technology


Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration and Graduate Institute, Kun Shan University of Technology


Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration and Graduate Institute, Ming Dao University


Part-time Assistant Professor, Master's Program in Public Affairs and Civic Education, National Changhua University of Education


Part-time Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Political Science, National Changhua University of Education


Part-time Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Chao Yang University of Technology

學校行政經歷    School Administrative Experience


Preparatory Director, Bachelor’s Degree Program in Microbusiness Operations, Kun Shan University of Technology


Deputy Director, Department of Business Administration, Kun Shan University of Technology


Head, Promotion Education Unit, Continuing Education Division, Kun Shan University of Technology


Head, Internship and Employment Unit, Research and Development Office, Kun Shan University of Technology


Secretary, Office of Academic Affairs, Ming Dao University

其他經歷   Other Experiences


TTQS Assessment Commissioner, Ministry of Labor


Consultant for the “Small Workforce Enhancement Program,” and Guidance Consultant for the “Regional Logistics Human Resources Integration Service Program,” “Silver Generation Employment Guidance Program,” and “Industry Talent Investment Program,” Yun-Chia-Nan Branch, Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor


Consultant, Shifang Public Opinion and Policy Information Co., Ltd.


Supervisor, Taiwan Career Development Association



2019年以後    After 2019

Chen, Y.C. (2019). The Moderating Effect of LMX between Salesperson Competencies and Work Performance: A Case of Taiwanese Department Store. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management - ICEBM Untar, 244-249.

Chen, Y.C., Lee, H.H. (2020). The Effects of Website Content and Trust on Online Purchasing Intention of Agricultural Products. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 145, 361-367.

Tsai, P.F., Chen, Y.C., Cheng, Y.M. (2020). The Preliminary Exploration of Competency for Community Revitalization A Study Among The Rural Youth as an Example. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 145, 386-391.

Chen, Y.C., Chuang, T.H. (2021). The Moderating Effect of Organizational Trust on the Relationship Between Locus of Control and Psychological Contract. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 174, 408-414.

Chen, Y.C., Kuo, T.W. (2022) An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Logistics Driver Competency and Work Performance by Using Occupational Competency Standard. Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 653, 256-261.

研討會論文   Conference Paper

2019年以後    After 2019

陳怡昌、李佩娟 (2020),知覺價值、遊客滿意度與重遊意願之研究-以臺南地區農場為例,2020經營管理學術實務研討會。高雄:高苑科技大學。

陳紀安、陳怡昌 (2020),以層級分析法探討消費者購買辣木產品的關鍵因素,2020經營管理學術實務研討會。高雄:高苑科技大學。

陳怡昌、陳思妤 (2021),職業倦怠對職場霸凌與工作表現關係的中介效果-以台南市製造業為例,2021產業管理創新研討會。台中:修平科技大學。

陳怡昌、張玫菁 (2021),公共衛生職能對工作績效影響之研究-以公共服務動機為干擾變數,2021管理創新與應用研討會。台中:靜宜大學。

陳怡昌、鄭友銘 (2021),從職能模型觀點看社區振興青年協力工作者的


陳怡昌、盧雅効 (2021),主管部屬交換關係在薪酬滿意度與工作績效關係之干擾效果-以台南傢俱製造業為例,2021產業管理創新研討會。台中:修平科技大學。

陳怡昌、宋珮瑜 (2022) 職場友誼對倦怠與組織公民行為之干擾效果研


陳怡昌、江柏輝 (2022)。組織支持對於訓練成效與工作績效關係之干擾效果研究-以步兵軍官分科教育為例,202211屆中華創新管理學會學術暨實務研討會。台中:國立臺中教育大學。

陳怡昌、徐佩鈺 (2022)。薪酬滿意度對職涯停滯與離職傾向關係的干擾效果-以台南地區民營銀行行員為例,2022管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會。台北:中國科技大學。

陳怡昌、趙晨安 (2022)。主管部屬交換關係對工作滿意度及工作績效關係之干擾效果-以嘉義地區飯店員工為例,2022年永續教育與產業管理學術研討會。台南:長榮大學。

陳怡昌、戴麗菊 (2022)工作特性、滿意度與組織承諾之關係研究-以台南地區兼職人員為例。2022 管理、商業與資訊國際學術研討會。台北:中國科技大學。

產學合作計劃      Industry-Academia Collaboration Program

2019年以後     After 2019

教育部    Ministry of Education

109-110年偏鄉數位創新服務計畫   (共同主持人、2020/052021/08、教育部、4,100,000)

109-110 Years Rural Digital Innovation Service Project (Co-Principal Investigator, May 2020 to August 2021, Ministry of Education, NT$4,100,000)

勞動部    Ministry of Labor

109年產業人才投資方案-主管領導溝通及跨部門整合班第01 (主持人、2020/102021/02、勞動部、96,600)

109 Industry Talent Investment Program - Supervisor Leadership Communication and Interdepartmental Integration Class, Phase 01 (Principal Investigator, October 2020 to February 2021, Ministry of Labor, NT$96,600)

110年產業人才投資方案-主管領導溝通及跨部門整合班第01 (主持人、2021/102022/01、勞動部、72,375)

110 Industry Talent Investment Program - Supervisor Leadership Communication and Interdepartmental Integration Class, Phase 01 (Principal Investigator, October 2021 to January 2022, Ministry of Labor, NT$72,375)


110 Academic Year Subsidy Program for Higher Education Institutions to Implement Core Competency Courses - Department of Business Administration (Principal Investigator, July 2021 to August 2022, Ministry of Labor, NT$150,000)

112年雲嘉南地區重點產業綠色人才需求調查 (共同主持人、2023/052023/12 、勞動部、1,250,000)

112 Yun-Chia-Nan Regional Key Industry Green Talent Demand Survey (Co-Principal Investigator, May 2023 to December 2023, Ministry of Labor, NT$1,250,000)

其他政府計畫     Other Government Programs

108年度創新研究計畫-青農職能模型研究與建置__以水保局青年回留農村創新研究與大專生洄游農村二次方計畫個案為例 (共同主持人、2019/022019/12、行政院農委會水保局 700,000)

108 Annual Innovation Research Project - Study and Establishment of Youth Agricultural Competency Model: A Case Study of the Youth Retention in Rural Areas Innovation Research and College Students Returning to Rural Areas Plan (Co-Principal Investigator, February 2019 to December 2019, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, NT$700,000)

產學專班    Industry-Academic Cooperation Programs

107春中小企業服務管理產業碩士專班-107學年度第2學期 (共同主持人、2019/022019/07、教育部、300,000)

107 Spring Masters Program in Service Management for Small and Medium Enterprises - 2nd Semester of Academic Year 107 (Co-Principal Investigator, February 2019 to July 2019, Ministry of Education, NT$300,000)

107學年度第2學期新南向國際產學合作專班-製造業提昇廠務管理效能產業國際學生產學合作專班 (共同主持人、  2019/022020/01、教育部、5,720,000)

2nd Semester of Academic Year 107 New Southbound International Industry-Academic Cooperation Program - Manufacturing Industry Improvement in Factory Management Efficiency (Co-Principal Investigator, February 2019 to January 2020, Ministry of Education, NT$5,720,000)

現役軍人營區在職專班-107學年度第2學期 (共同主持人、2019/022019/07 、參訓學生、426,020)

In-Service Program for Active Military Personnel - 2nd Semester of Academic Year 107 (Co-Principal Investigator, February 2019 to July 2019, Participating Students, NT$426,020)

現役軍人營區在職專班-108學年度第2學期 (共同主持人、2020/022020/07、參訓學生、 476,140)

In-Service Program for Active Military Personnel - 2nd Semester of Academic Year 108 (Co-Principal Investigator, February 2020 to July 2020, Participating Students, NT$476,140)

107學年度第2學期新南向產學合作國際專班-製造業提昇廠務管理效能國際學生產學合作專班 (共同主持人、  2021/022022/01、教育部、2,978,287)

2nd Semester of Academic Year 107 New Southbound International Industry-Academic Cooperation Program - Manufacturing Industry Improvement in Factory Management Efficiency (Co-Principal Investigator, February 2021 to January 2022, Ministry of Education, NT$2,978,287)

111學年度第1學期新南向產學合作國際專班-製造業提昇廠務管理效能產業國際學生產學合作專班     (共同主持人、2022/082023/07、教育部、3,200,000)

1st Semester of Academic Year 111 New Southbound International Industry-Academic Cooperation Program - Manufacturing Industry Improvement in Factory Management Efficiency (Co-Principal Investigator, August 2022 to July 2023, Ministry of Education, NT$3,200,000)

107學年度第2學期新南向產學合作國際專班-製造業提昇廠務管理效能國際學生產學合作專班     (共同主持人、2022/022023/01、教育部、2,823,224)

2nd Semester of Academic Year 107 New Southbound International Industry-Academic Cooperation Program - Manufacturing Industry Improvement in Factory Management Efficiency (Co-Principal Investigator, February 2022 to January 2023, Ministry of Education, NT$2,823,224)

證照    Certificate

CSIM-服務稽核管理師 – Pass

CSIM - Service Audit Management Specialist – Pass

BIM-顧客服務管理師 – Pass

BIM - Customer Service Management Specialist – Pass

Foundation Award in Management Principles(國際企業管理師) - Pass-With Credit

Foundation Award in Management Principles (International Business Management Specialist) - Pass - With Credit

International Introductory Award in Selling (Chinese) 國際企業(銷售) – PASS

International Introductory Award in Selling (Chinese) - International Business (Sales) – Pass

International Introductory Award in Customer Service (Chinese) 國際企業(服務業顧客服務) – PASS

International Introductory Award in Customer Service (Chinese) - International Business (Customer Service) – Pass

International Introductory Award in Conflict Handling (Chinese) 國際企業(衝突處理) – PASS

International Introductory Award in Conflict Handling (Chinese) - International Business (Conflict Handling) – Pass

流通連鎖經營管理技術士 - 丙級

Certified Technician in Distribution and Chain Management - Level C

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