Assistant Professor Kuei-Chien Chiu


Contact Information

Telephone Number:(04)2332-3000 ext. 4852


Educational Background

PhD in Information Management from Chaoyang University of Technology

Department of Business Administration at Chaoyang University of Technology

Department of Journalism at Shih Hsin University

Teaching Subjects

Management Science, Introduction to Business, Practical Management, Digital Editing

Research Interests

Service Industry Management, Information Education, Innovation Management


  1. 朝陽科技大學 /通識教育中心/企管系 /專任講師 (2012-02 ~ )

Chaoyang University of Technology / Center for General Education / Department of Business Administration / Full-Time Lecturer (February 2012 - Present)

  1. 朝陽科技大學 / 企業管理系「公共關係」講師 (2012-01 ~ , 兼職)

Chaoyang University of Technology / Department of Business Administration / Lecturer in Public Relations (January 2012 - Present, Part-Time)

  1. 朝陽科技大學 / 傳播藝術系『消費者行為』 / 講師 (2012-01 ~ , 兼職)

Chaoyang University of Technology / Department of Communication Arts / Lecturer in Consumer Behavior (January 2012 - Present, Part-Time)

  1. 朝陽科技大學/ 通識教育中心『採訪與編輯』 / 講師 (2011-02 ~ , 兼職)

Chaoyang University of Technology / Center for General Education / Lecturer in Reporting and Editing (February 2011 - Present, Part-Time)

  1. 朝陽科技大學/休閒事業管理系「休閒產業與公眾關係」 / 講師 (2011-02 ~ , 兼職)

Chaoyang University of Technology / Department of Leisure and Recreation Management / Lecturer in Leisure Industry and Public Relations (February 2011 - Present, Part-Time)

  1. 朝陽科技大學 / 傳播藝術系『公共關係實務』 / 講師 (2011-02 ~ , 兼職)

Chaoyang University of Technology / Department of Communication Arts / Lecturer in Public Relations Practice (February 2011 - Present, Part-Time)

  1. 朝陽科技大學/休閒事業管理系 / 「公共關係」講師 (2010-08 ~ , 兼職)

Chaoyang University of Technology / Department of Leisure and Recreation Management / Lecturer in Public Relations (August 2010 - Present, Part-Time)

  1. 朝陽科技大學 / 秘書室公共事務組 (2006-08 ~ )

Chaoyang University of Technology / Office of the Secretary / Public Affairs Division (August 2006 - Present)

9. 中華民國紡織業拓展會 / 派駐經濟部國際貿易局專案經理(媒體公關) (2005-01 ~ 2006-07)

Taiwan Textile Industry Expansion Conference / Project Manager (Media Relations) stationed at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Bureau of Foreign Trade (January 2005 - July 2006)

10. 中華民國紡織業拓展會 / 派駐經濟部中小企業處專案經理(媒體公關) (2003-01 ~ 2004-12)

Taiwan Textile Industry Expansion Conference / Project Manager (Media Relations) stationed at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (January 2003 - December 2004)

11. 中華民國紡織業拓展會 / 紡織月刊編輯 (2000-01 ~ 2002-12)

Taiwan Textile Industry Expansion Conference / Editor of Textile Monthly (January 2000 - December 2002)

12. 中華民國紡織業拓展會 / 紡織月刊記者 (1997-01 ~ 1999-12)

Taiwan Textile Industry Expansion Conference / Reporter for Textile Monthly (January 1997 - December 1999)

Main Research Fields



期刊    Journal

Article.The Analysis of Bursary Satisfaction and Learning Performance for Disadvantaged Students: A Case Study from Taiwan  Chiu, K.-C., Chen, R.-C. Education Sciences, 2023, 13(5), 513

Article.Examining the moderating and intervening effects of communication apprehension on perceived learning (Accepted 202307)  DOI: 10.1504/IJIL.2024.10054625   Chiu, K.-C., Chen, R.-C.

Article. Exploring the Effect of Social Networking Service on Homestay Intention in Vietnam by GM(1, N) and Multiple Regression Analysis  Chiu, K.-C., Lai, C.-S., Chu, H.-H., Thi, D.T., Chen, R.-C. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2022, 38(3), 531546

Article .Examining the Influencing Factors of Intention to Use Domestic Robot by Grey Clustering Analysis Chiu, K.-C., Lai, C.-S., Chu, H.-H., Chen, R.-C. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 2021, 10(10), 553559

Article . Apply importance performance analysis to explore innovation resistance of home robot Chiu, K.-C., Lai, C.-S., Chu, H.-H. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 2020, 9(5), 716720

Article. 邱桂堅,”公益活動購買動機之研究--以春聯義賣為例,”朝陽科技大學通識教育中心止善第23, Dec, 2017.

Article.   Kuei-Chien Chiu, "Grey Clustering Analysis on the Motivation of Participating in Charity Sale of Emergency Allowances for Students,"Journal of Grey System, Dec, 2016.

Article.   Kuei-Chien Chiu, Chih-Sung Lai, Hsing-Hui Chu, Ying-Xiang Gao and Hsiu-Wei Hsu, “Brand Equity on Purchase Intention of Creative Products by GM(h,N) and Multiple Regression Model," Journal of Grey System, Jun, 2016.

 Article.  Kuei-Chien Chiu, “GM(1, N) Analysis on the Growth of Cultural and Creative Industries in Taiwan," International Journal of Kansei Information, Jun, 2016.

Article. Chih-Sung Lai, Kuei-Chien Chiu, Tian-Jong Hwu, “The Analysis of the Learning Effectiveness of Chinese Writing by Grey Clustering Analysis," International Journal of Kansei Information, Mar, 2016.

 Article.   邱桂堅, “班級臉書網路社群行為初探," 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心止善第17, Dec, 2014.

研討會論文   Conference Paper

Factors influencing perceived learning of students during online classes: A case study from TaiwanChiu, K.-C., Agrawal, S., Chen, R.-C. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2022, 7580

Transfer Learning and LSTM to Predict Stock PriceChen, R.-C., Yang, W.-I., Chiu, K.-C.Proceedings - International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2022, 2022-September, 165169

Finding the Key Factors of Successful Personal Brand of Internet CelebritiesChiu, K.-C., Lai, C.-S., Sokorevskiy, R., Chu, H.-H., Chen, R.-C. Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, TAAI 2021, 2021, 275279

Finding the Social Networking Service Factors of Homestay Intention in Vietnam Based on GM(1, N) Model Chiu, K.-C., Lai, C.-S., Chu, H.-H., Tran Thi, D., Chen, R.-C. Proceedings - 25th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, TAAI 2020, 2020, 142146 , 9382483

The Competence Evaluation of E-journalist - An Analysis of Problem-based Learning Course Chiu, K.-C., Chu, H.-H., Lai, C.-S. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2020, 2530

 Kuei-Chien Chiu, Hong Hung Vu, Ker-Tah Hsu, Hsiu-Wei Hsu “The Impacts of Service Quality and CSR on Insurance Policyholders’ Purchase Intention: The Case of Vietnam Affiliation”, The 5th International Conference on Social Science and Management May 9-11, 2017 Kyoto, Japan

Chih-Sung Lai, Kuei-Chien Chiu, Yingxiang Gao, Hsiu-Wei Hsu, "GM (1, N) Analysis of Brand Equity on Purchase Intention of Creative Products," 2015 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII), NAGOYA, JAPAN, Dec, 2015.

產學合作計劃                   Industry-Academia Collaboration Program

教育部南投中寮鄉社會責任(USR)媒體行銷計畫(2020-1 ~ 2023-12)

Ministry of Education Nantou County Zhongliao Township Social Responsibility (USR) Media Marketing Project (January 2020 - December 2023)

2020紐西蘭商新益美亞洲國際有限公司台灣分公司媒體形象提昇計畫」 (2018-03~2020-10)

Media Image Enhancement Plan for the New Zealand Business New Zealand Asia International Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch (March 2018 - October 2020)

財團法人中國生產力中心104年度小型企業人力提升計畫 (2015-02 ~ 2015-12)

Foundation for Chinese Productivity Center 2016 Small Enterprises Human Resource Enhancement Program (February 2015 - December 2015)

「紐西蘭商新益美亞洲國際有限公司台灣分公司媒體形象提昇計畫」 (2014-10 ~ 2015-04)

Media Image Enhancement Plan for New Zealand Business New Yi Mei Asia International Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch (October 2014 - April 2015)

財團法人中國生產力中心103年度小型企業人力提升計畫-協同主持人 (2014-02 ~ 2014-10)

Foundation for Chinese Productivity Center 2014 Small Enterprises Human Resource Enhancement Program - Co-Host (February 2014 - October 2014)

「紐西蘭商新益美亞洲國際有限公司台灣分公司媒體形象提昇計畫」 (2013-10 ~ 2014-04)

Media Image Enhancement Plan for New Zealand Business New Yi Mei Asia International Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch (October 2013 - April 2014)

財團法人中國生產力中心 102年度協助事業單位人力資源提升計畫」 (2013-09 ~ 2013-12)

Foundation for Chinese Productivity Center '2013 Human Resource Enhancement Program for Assisting Enterprises' (September 2013 - December 2013)

「紐西蘭商新益美亞洲國際有限公司台灣分公司媒體形象提昇計畫」 (2012-12 ~ 2013-04)

Media Image Enhancement Plan for New Zealand Business New Yi Mei Asia International Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch (December 2012 - April 2013)

「紐西蘭商新益美亞洲國際有限公司台灣分公司媒體行銷計畫」 (2012-04 ~ 2012-08)

Media Marketing Plan for New Zealand Business New Yi Mei Asia International Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch (April 2012 - August 2012)

行政院職業訓練局中區職業訓練中心「區域經濟整合與職業訓練發展國際研討會」計畫 (2011-01 ~ 2011-06)

Central Region Vocational Training Center, Workforce Development Agency, Executive Yuan 'International Conference on Regional Economic Integration and Vocational Training Development' Project (January 2011 - June 2011)

「紐西蘭商新益美亞洲國際有限公司台灣分公司形象提昇計畫」 (2010- ~ 2011-04)

Image Enhancement Plan for New Zealand Business New Yi Mei Asia International Co., Ltd. Taiwan Branch (2010 - April 2011)

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