Assistant Professor Ching-Fang Lee


Contact Information

Telephone Number:(04)2332-3000 ext. 


Educational Background

Ph. D in Grad. School of Economics, Kyoto University, Japan

MBA in Grad. School of Management, Yuan Ze University, R.O.C.

B.B.A. in Department of Business Administration, Tunghai University

Teaching Subjects

Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications, Internet Marketing, Management, Channel Management, Strategic Marketing Management

Research Interests




Assistant Professor, Department of Leisure and Health, Mingdao University


Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Mingdao University


Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Logistics, Mingdao University


Associate Researcher, National Development Council, Executive Yuan

Main Research Fields

Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing, Tourism Marketing


期刊   Journal

  1. 李靜芳,蔡宗安(2024)心之谷教育園區服務品質、顧客滿意度與行為意向探討,北商學報,已接受。

Lee, Ching-Fang, Tsai, Tsung-An (2024). "Exploration of Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intention in the Heart Valley Education Park." International Journal of Business, Accepted.

  1. 李靜芳,張博任,林品妙,林以涵,高建鋐,楊筠御,黃建勛(2022)社群媒體行銷推廣-以躉泰食品有限公司為例,觀光與休閒管理期刊,10(2)204-214

Lee, Ching-Fang, Chang, Po-Jen, Lin, Pin-Miao, Lin, Yi-Han, Kao, Chien-Huang, Yang, Jun-Yu, Huang, Chien-Hsun (2022). "Social Media Marketing Promotion: A Case Study of Tan Tai Food Co., Ltd." Journal of Tourism and Leisure Management, 10(2), 204-214.

  1. 李靜芳,蔡玉英(2021)探討外送平台 APP 之使用行為模式- Foodpanda 為例,觀光與休閒管理期刊,9(2)217-226

Lee, Ching-Fang, Tsai, Yu-Ying (2021). "Exploring User Behavior Patterns of Delivery Platform Apps: A Case Study of Foodpanda." Journal of Tourism and Leisure Management, 9(2), 217-226.

  1. 李靜芳(2020)利用整合科技接受模式探討便利商店APP 之採用行為,觀光與休閒管理期刊,8(2)105-113

Lee, Ching-Fang (2020). "Investigating the Adoption Behavior of Convenience Store Apps Using the Integrated Technology Acceptance Model." Journal of Tourism and Leisure Management, 8(2), 105-113.

  1. 李靜芳(2019)以UTAUT模式進行Beacon微定位技術採用探討,管理資訊計算,8(2)11-19

Lee, Ching-Fang (2019). "Adopting Beacon Micro-Location Technology Using the UTAUT Model." Management Information Computing, 8(2), 11-19.

  1. 藍春琪,李靜芳,王詩涵,王欣怡(2018)文創商品策略與商業模式之建構:傘文創商品的發展觀點,商略學報,10(3)217-238

Lan, Chun-Chi, Lee, Ching-Fang, Wang, Shih-Han, Wang, Hsin-Yi (2018). "Constructing Strategies and Business Models for Cultural and Creative Products: Development Perspectives on Umbrellas as Cultural and Creative Products." Journal of Business Strategy, 10(3), 217-238.

  1. 李靜芳(2018)以科技接受模式探討網路口碑及網路廣告對手機社群遊戲使用之影響,明道學術論壇,104),1-20

Lee, Ching-Fang (2018). "Examining the Impact of Online Word-of-Mouth and Online Advertising on Mobile Social Game Usage Using the Technology Acceptance Model." Mingdao Academic Forum, 10(4), 1-20.

  1. 李靜芳(2018),運用理性行為理論及科技接受模式探討手機遊戲使用行為,國際商務與政策研究,6(1)1-15

Lee, Ching-Fang (2018). "Using Rational Behavior Theory and the Technology Acceptance Model to Explore Mobile Game Usage Behavior." International Business and Policy Studies, 6(1), 1-15.

  1. 李靜芳、鍾健平、張務華、何啟睿(2017),茶葉零售商經營模式之系統思考:以個案為例,國際商務與政策研究,5(1)50-61

Lee, Ching-Fang, Zhong, Jian-Ping, Chang, Wu-Hua, He, Chi-Ruei (2017). "Systematic Thinking on the Business Models of Tea Leaf Retailers: A Case Study." International Business and Policy Studies, 5(1), 50-61.

  1. 鍾健平、陳正章、李靜芳(2016)。在系統動態觀點下探討比賽茶對茶業產銷之影響,明志學報,44(2)71-93

Zhong, Jian-Ping, Chen, Cheng-Chang, Lee, Ching-Fang (2016). "Exploring the Impact of Competition Tea on the Production and Marketing of the Tea Industry from a System Dynamics Perspective." Ming Chi Journal of Science and Technology, 44(2), 71-93.

  1. 李靜芳、藍春琪、王詩涵(2016)。文創產品品質對知覺價值及購買意願之研究,觀光與休閒管理期刊,4210-220

Lee, Ching-Fang, Lan, Chun-Chi, Wang, Shih-Han (2016). "Study on the Influence of Product Quality of Cultural and Creative Products on Perceived Value and Purchase Intention." Journal of Tourism and Leisure Management, 4, 210-220.

  1. 鍾健平、李靜芳、簡麗卿(2016)。應用六標準差方法降低便利商店顧客抱怨,管理資訊計算,5(2)196-203

Zhong, Jian-Ping, Lee, Ching-Fang, Jian, Li-Ching (2016). "Applying Six Sigma Methods to Reduce Customer Complaints in Convenience Stores." Management Information Computing, 5(2), 196-203.

  1. 李靜芳、鍾健平、羅潔伶(2016),蛋雞場自動化系統動態模擬分析,國際商務與政策研究,4(1)68-84

Lee, Ching-Fang, Zhong, Jian-Ping, Luo, Chieh-Ling (2016). "Dynamic Simulation Analysis of Automation Systems in Egg Production Facilities." International Business and Policy Studies, 4(1), 68-84.

  1. 張務華、李靜芳、陳足英(2016),日本飯店業對台灣投資要因之研究---以日本大倉飯店為例,國際商務與政策研究,4(1)59-67

Chang, Wu-Hua, Lee, Ching-Fang, Chen, Chu-Ying (2016). "Research on Factors for Japanese Hotel Industry Investment in Taiwan: A Case Study of Okura Hotels." International Business and Policy Studies, 4(1), 59-67.

  1. 羅潔伶、李靜芳、蔡智勇(2016),壽險業員工數位學習行為意圖之研究,國際商務與政策研究,4(1)97-123

Luo, Chieh-Ling, Lee, Ching-Fang, Tsai, Chih-Yung (2016). "A Study on the Digital Learning Behavioral Intentions of Employees in the Life Insurance Industry." International Business and Policy Studies, 4(1), 97-123.

  1. 李靜芳、鍾健平(2015)。企劃中草藥保健飲品創新產品,明志學報,44(1)13-24

Lee, Ching-Fang, Zhong, Jian-Ping (2015). "Planning for Innovative Products in Herbal Health Drinks." Ming Chi Journal of Science and Technology, 44(1), 13-24.

  1. 李靜芳、鍾健平、張務華(2015),運用品質機能展開法開發歐典食品新產品,國際商務與政策研究,3(1)6-19

Lee, Ching-Fang, Zhong, Jian-Ping, Chang, Wu-Hua (2015). "Developing New Products for Ouden Foods Using Quality Function Deployment." International Business and Policy Studies, 3(1), 6-19.

  1. 鍾健平,李靜芳,張嘉芬,羅秀日(2014)。台灣茶業產銷決策分析與模擬,明道學術論壇,9(1)40-56

Zhong, Jian-Ping, Lee, Ching-Fang, Zhang, Jia-Fen, Luo, Hsiu-Ri (2014). "Decision Analysis and Simulation of the Taiwanese Tea Industry." Mingdao Academic Forum, 9(1), 40-56.

  1. 鍾健平,李靜芳,賴信廷,張志強(2014)。台灣砂糖供需系統動態模擬分析,管理資訊計算,3(2)235-254

Zhong, Jian-Ping, Lee, Ching-Fang, Lai, Hsin-Ting, Chang, Chih-Chiang (2014). "Dynamic Simulation Analysis of the Supply and Demand System for Sugar in Taiwan." Management Information Computing, 3(2), 235-254.

  1. Lee, C. F. and Chung, C. P., (2013). The Application of Innovative Automobile Maintenance Services from Customers Viewpoints: A Hybrid Method, Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing, Vol. 1, No. 4, 59-66.
  1. 鍾健平、李靜芳、董子綸、林瑞隆(2012)。茶業產銷模式現況與展望,明道學術論壇,8(2)57-69

Zhong, Jian-Ping, Lee, Ching-Fang, Dong, Zi-Lun, Lin, Rui-Long (2012). "Current Status and Prospects of Tea Industry Marketing Models." Mingdao Academic Forum, 8(2), 57-69.

  1. Lee, C. F. and Chung, C. P., (2012) An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items in a Supply Chain with System Dynamics Analysis, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.40, 4151.
  2. Chung, C. P. and Lee, C. F., (2012). Parameters Decision on the Product Characteristics of a Bike Frame, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.40, 107115.
  3. 鍾健平,李靜芳,陳耀茂,吳東洋(2012),以商品企劃七工具及約略集合分析企劃計程車新型服務,長庚人文社會學報,5(1)197-226

Zhong, Jian-Ping, Lee, Ching-Fang, Chen, Yao-Mao, Wu, Dong-Yang (2012). "Planning New Services for Taxis Using Seven Tools of Product Planning and Rough Set Analysis." Chang Gung Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 197-226.

  1. 李靜芳、包欣玉、陳耀茂、鍾健平(2012),以P7及約略集合理論企劃片狀面膜創新產品,品質學報,19(4)373-392(EI)

Lee, Ching-Fang, Bao, Hsin-Yu, Chen, Yao-Mao, Zhong, Jian-Ping (2012). "Innovation of Sheet Masks by Using P7 and Rough Set Theory." Journal of Quality, 19(4), 373-392. (EI)

  1. 鍾健平、李靜芳、董子綸、許惠閔(2012)竹炭襪外包決策系統動態模擬-以彰化縣社頭鄉織襪個案公司為例,中小企業發展季刊,2419-40

Zhong, Jian-Ping, Lee, Ching-Fang, Dong, Zi-Lun, Hsu, Hui-Min (2012). "Dynamic Simulation of Outsourcing Decision System for Bamboo Charcoal Socks: A Case Study of a Sock Manufacturing Company in Shetou Township, Changhua County." Quarterly Journal of Small and Medium Enterprise Development, 24, 19-40.

  1. 鍾健平,李靜芳,董子綸(2011)品質與成本考量下滾筒式焙茶機操作條件決策,明道學術論壇,7(4)83-96

Zhong, Jian-Ping, Lee, Ching-Fang, Dong, Zi-Lun (2011). "Decision-Making on the Operating Conditions of a Drum Tea Roasting Machine Considering Quality and Cost." Mingdao Academic Forum, 7(4), 83-96.

  1. 李靜芳,鄭琇文,陳耀茂(2011)以P7及約略集合分析企劃3C連鎖量販店新型服務,高雄應用科技大學學報,40175-196

Lee, Ching-Fang, Zheng, Hsiu-Wen, Chen, Yao-Mao (2011). "Planning Innovative Services for 3C Chain Stores Using P7 and Rough Set Analysis." Journal of Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, 40, 175-196.

  1. Tseng, M.L., Wu, W.W., and Lee, C.F. (2011) Knowledge Management Strategies in Linguistic Preferences, Journal of Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management, 1(2), 60-73.
  2. 李靜芳、陳耀茂、林寒琦、鍾健平(2010)企劃國道客運新型服務之實證研究,明道學術論壇,6(4)3-24

  1. 鍾健平、李靜芳、陳耀茂、劉琇月、劉雙意(2010)高科技產業競爭策略之決策分析-以手機產業為例,明道學術論壇,6(4)87-114
  2. 李靜芳,劉孟瑜,陳耀茂,鍾健平(2010)企劃國際觀光旅館新型服務-以永豐棧麗緻酒店為例,弘光學報,6185-99
  3. 李靜芳,陳耀茂,林瑋君(2009)患者對馬偕醫院醫療服務品質屬性偏好之研究,馬偕學報,71-20
  4. 李靜芳,沈瑞文(2009)日本大型銀行進行業界重整之回顧探討。台灣銀行季刊,453),35-48
  5. 李靜芳,蔡惠雅,陳耀茂(2009)企劃大型量販店新型服務方式以創造顧客價值之實證研究-以台中地區為例,高雄應用科技大學學報,38321-343
  6. 李靜芳,黃愉茹,張如鈞,陳耀茂(2009)利用AHP 法探討提升品牌知名度策略之研究-以台灣樂天網路商城為例。崇右學報,152),211-226
  7. 李靜芳,陳耀茂,林義舜(2009)以P7企劃TOEIC數位學習教材以創造顧客價值之研究,明道學術論壇,51),63-81
  8. 李靜芳,陳耀茂,陳怡君(2009)以定位分析探討男性保養品市場區隔及新產品企劃方向之研究。蘭陽學報,840-48
  9. 李靜芳,陳耀茂(2008)以聯合分析探討消費者對速食麵屬性偏好之研究。蘭陽學報,l7),60-74
  10. 李靜芳,陳耀茂(2008)利用AHP探討企業最佳成長策略之決策分析。稻江學報,31),15-29
  11. 李靜芳(2006SBIグループM&A戦略およびマネジメント(SBI集團的M&A策略與管理)。京都大学経済学会経済論叢。1771),74-96
  12. 李靜芳(2005)企業グループのM&A戦略(企業集團的購併策略)。京都大学経済学会経済論叢。1761),63-82
  13. 李靜芳(2005情報通信産業のM&Aマネジメント(資訊通信産業的購併管理)。京都大学経済学会経済論叢。175560),88-106

產學合作計劃    Industry-Academia Collaborative Project

李靜芳(協同主持人)  Li Ching-Fang (Co-Principal Investigator)

計畫名稱:建構農產品冷鏈物流及品質確保示範體系計畫- 漢光蔬果區域冷鏈物流中心先期規劃

Project Title: Construction of Agricultural Product Cold Chain Logistics and Quality Assurance Demonstration System - Han Kuang Vegetable and Fruit Regional Cold Chain Logistics Center Preliminary Planning

合作廠商: 弈寬建築師事務所、漢光果菜生產合作社

Collaborators: Yih Kuang Architectural Firm, Han Kuang Fruit and Vegetable Production Cooperative

計畫編號:產學合作 D01002-F110001

Project No.: Industry-Academia Cooperation D01002-F110001

執行期限:2022/01/01 ~ 2022/06/30 

Project Duration: 2022/01/01 ~ 2022/06/30

補助金額:NT$ 588,800

Grant Amount: NT$588,800

李靜芳(計畫成員) Li Ching-Fang (Project Member)


Project Title: Enhancing Narrative Pedagogy through Topic-Oriented Teaching Community

執行期限:2019/02/01 ~ 2020/07/31

Project Duration: 2019/02/01 ~ 2020/07/31


Grant Amount: NT$1,000,000

李靜芳(共同主持人) Li Ching-Fang (Co-Principal Investigator)


Project Title: Decision-Making on Production Parameters of Bamboo Charcoal Socks

計畫編號:國科會NSC 102-2622-E-451-003-CC3

Project No.: National Science Council NSC 102-2622-E-451-003-CC3

執行期限:2013/06/01 ~ 2014/05/31

Project Duration: 2013/06/01 ~ 2014/05/31


Grant Amount: NT$342,000

李靜芳(分項主持人)  Li Ching-Fang (Component Principal Investigator)


Project Title: Industrial Tourism and Technical Upgrade and Innovation Project of Hosiery Industry


Project No.: STL Science Park Assistance Program for Small and Medium Enterprises 2013

執行期限:2013/06 ~ 2013/11

Project Duration: 2013/06 ~ 2013/11


Grant Amount: NT$1,344,000

李靜芳(主持人) Li Ching-Fang (Principal Investigator)


Project Title: Design and Manufacture of One-piece Molded Silver Fiber Cool Feeling Functional Underwear

計畫編號:101A042-彰化縣地方產業創新研發推動計畫(地方型SBIRProject No.: Changhua County Local Industrial Innovation R&D Promotion Plan (Local SBIR) 101A042

執行期限:2012/09/01 ~ 2013/08/31

Project Duration: 2012/09/01 ~ 2013/08/31

李靜芳(主持人) Li Ching-Fang (Principal Investigator)


Project Title: Design and Manufacture of Restriction-free Copper Fiber Bamboo Charcoal Functional Socks

計畫編號:100A001-彰化縣地方產業創新研發推動計畫(地方型SBIRProject No.: Changhua County Local Industrial Innovation R&D Promotion Plan (Local SBIR) 100A001

執行期限:2011/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31

Project Duration: 2011/08/01 ~ 2011/07/31


Grant Amount: NT$1,800,000

李靜芳(共同主持人) Li Ching-Fang (Co-Principal Investigator)


Project Title: Shetou Hosiery Marketing and Industrial Tourism Promotion Plan

計畫編號:彰化縣政府委託案 P0980212

Project No.: Commissioned by Changhua County Government P0980212

執行期限:2010/5/17 ~2011/11/30

Project Duration: 2010/05/17 ~ 2011/11/30


Grant Amount: NT$6,817,680

李靜芳(主持人) Li Ching-Fang (Principal Investigator)


Project Title: Dynamic Modeling of Delayed Delivery of Bamboo Charcoal Socks


Project No.: STL Science Park Assistance Program for Small and Medium Enterprises 2010

執行期限:2011/08/01 ~ 2011/12/31

Project Duration: 2011/08/01 ~ 2011/12/31


Grant Amount: NT$72,000

李靜芳(主持人) Li Ching-Fang (Principal Investigator)


Project Title: Raw Material Control and Dynamic Modeling of Delayed Delivery for Healthy Socks


Project No.: STL Science Park Assistance Program for Small and Medium Enterprises 2010

執行期限:2011/08/01 ~ 2011/12/31

Project Duration: 2011/08/01 ~ 2011/12/31


Grant Amount: NT$72,000

李靜芳(共同主持人) Li Ching-Fang (Co-Principal Investigator)


Project Title: Establishment of Tea Grading and Packaging System and Product Packaging Commissioned Project

合作廠商: 台山采有限公司

Collaborator: Taishan Tsaiyou Co., Ltd.

計畫編號:產學合作 P0990100

Project No.: Industry-Academia Cooperation P0990100

執行期限:2010/10/01 ~ 2011/01/31

Project Duration: 2010/10/01 ~ 2011/01/31


Grant Amount: NT$80,000

證照   Certificate

TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test / 金色證照

TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test / Golden Certificate

TQC專業設計人才認證 / 基礎創意APP程式設計

TQC Professional Design Talent Certification / Basic Creative APP Programming

日本語能力試驗 / N1

Japanese Language Proficiency Test / N1

TQC企業人才技能 / 電子商務概論

TQC Business Talent Skills / Introduction to E-commerce

TQC企業人才技能 / 專案管理概論

TQC Business Talent Skills / Introduction to Project Management

大學雙語教師專業發展課程 / EMI PD Courses

EMI PD Courses for Bilingual University Teachers

EMI Certificate for University Lecturers / Oxford EMI Training

EMI Certificate for University Lecturers / Oxford EMI Training

中華民國領隊人員執業證 / 日語, 華語

ROC Licensed Tour Guide / Japanese and Mandarin Chinese

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